On Sunday 06 March 2011 14:49:43 Alberto Villa wrote:
> hello!
> i took some time to answer to you on this :)
> On Sunday 20 February 2011 06:34:10 David Naylor wrote:
> >  * kdm lost my "kde" session.  I had to manually select "KDE Plasma
> > 
> > Workspace"
> "your" kde session? you have manually created sessions? i'm not sure i
> understood this point

This is the term kdm used.  I assume that my KDE 4.5.4 KDE session did not 
have the same name as the KDE 4.6.0 one.  It was a one time thing (and may be 
specific to my setup).  

> > * KDE informed me that some of my sound devices were detached
> > and wanted to know if it should forget about them.  Sound still works
> > perfectly...
> it's probably due to gstreamer being the new default phonon backend
> in place of xine. actually, we need to write some instructions on how to
> make sound work correctly with it (it's material for freebsd.kde.org, just
> need time to write it)
> if you could share a screenshot of the sound cards detected by
> phonon, it would help us in generalising the howto

I would like to point out that my sound never stopped working.  Just a message 
about lost sound cards.  

> > * Strigi gets stuck on some PDF files (busy loop with
> > nepomukservicestub)
> you mean while indexing? did you cleanup your strigi files from kde 4.5?
> does it happen always with the same files?
> my experience with nepomuk and strigi has been awesome after the
> upgrade from 4.6.0 rc1 to 4.6.0

Yes, always the same files (PDF).  I saw on the comments on dot.kde.org for 
the KDE 4.6.1 release that this was a known issue and has been fixed :-).  

> > * Okular still does not print out-of-the-box (doing
> > `cd /usr/local/bin; ln -s lpr lpr.cups` works well)
> this was fixed a couple of weeks ago

Yes I saw, my update was before then.  

> >  * The "KDE resources" kconfig module freezes when opened (a
> kdepim-4.6.0
> > problem, not present with old in-ports kdepim).
> > 
> >  * I had a few problems with KMail2, which I reported upstream.  Old
> KMail
> > is working fine.
> eh... kdepim 4.6... :)

Yes, I know...

> > Other than two initial problems, strigi (which I do not use) and those
> > relating to the upcoming kdepim everything is running better :-)
> cool!
> > Thank you for all the work.
> thank you for reporting back and for your work as well

I have also been having crashes with plasma-desktop, related to kevent (or 
kevent was in traceback).  Alas I don't have debug information compiled in and 
thus do not have a proper traceback (or even the cause of the crash).  

I see KDE 4.6.1 is in area51, I'll start an update and see how that goes.  

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