2011/3/7 Alberto Villa <avi...@freebsd.org>:
> On Monday 07 March 2011 16:20:31 Olivier Smedts wrote:
>> The only thing I had to do was to edit
>> "/usr/local/kde4/etc/rc.d/kdm4" in order to remove the recently
>> introduced hal-waiting loop. I don't use hal...
> oh... i'll rework it then!

Thanks !
And I don't know if that's thanks to your rc.d script rework, but now
I don't have to set LANG in this script any more. Before that, my kde
session was only half-localized without LANG in the rc.d/kdm4 script.

> is kde working decently without hal?

Decently, yes ! Not a single problem, really ok for my usage, but
please note that :
- I choose my mixer with hw.snd.default_unit, without hal I only have
"OSS default output" as device in phonon (kmix still displays all the
mixers). Oh and, btw, when I was using hald I didn't have "default" in
my sound devices.
- I don't mount filesystems  (cd, usb key) as a user from my kde
session, I only mount from a root prompt
- In order to use k3b, I have to "onestart" hald, but it can be done
after the kde session is open

I look forward to test your devd solid backend as soon as it's possible !

Olivier Smedts                                                 _
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