On Saturday 03 August 2013 17:16:59 Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2013-07-04 16:43 (GMT+0200) Àlex Fiestas composed:
> > Felix Miata wrote:
> >> What bug #? Does a new bug need to be filed for it to happen?
> > 
> > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=317929
> > 
> > No need to add a new bug.
> Trying to use Fedora 19's 4.10.5 with kscreen 1.0.1,
> /etc/kde/share/config/kdedrc contains:
>       [Module-kscreen]
>       autoload=false
> and not only is xorg.conf nevertheless overridden, but there seems to be no
> UI to get access to any display settings:
> http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/Fedora/kscreen10-kdm4105-f19-01.png
> .xsession-errors is empty. Xorg.0.log:
> http://fm.no-ip.com/Tmp/Linux/xorg0log-f19-big41.txt
> How is one supposed to manually configure a display currently?
In that screenshot you can see 3 little buttons within the square that 
represents your screen.

The "Do not overwrite Xorg configuration when using only 1 screen" will be 
done in 1.1, either that or a blacklist of drivers.

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