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Review request for Solid, KDE Usability, Àlex Fiestas, and Daniel Vrátil.

Repository: powerdevil


Less sensational headline: Skip lid action when external monitor is connected.

This brings the KScreen killer feature in the 4.x times back. Now you can watch 
movies and safely close the lid again!

The confusing "Never prevent an action on lid close" is also moved to the main 
page since it only affects the lid action and is used nowhere else. I'm not 
happy with the wording but "inhibition" is a difficult thing to describe for 
the average user.


  CMakeLists.txt 27f162c 
  PowerDevilSettings.kcfg 1bc7ce1 
  daemon/CMakeLists.txt f1e6efb 
  daemon/actions/bundled/handlebuttonevents.h 8ea23f6 
  daemon/actions/bundled/handlebuttonevents.cpp ac280f4 
  daemon/actions/bundled/handlebuttoneventsconfig.h a55bca7 
  daemon/actions/bundled/handlebuttoneventsconfig.cpp 92f0cef 
  kcmodule/global/GeneralPage.cpp 5d9ff10 
  kcmodule/global/generalPage.ui 26204cb 

Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/122048/diff/


Laptop only, monitor option on -> Suspend
Laptop only, monitor option off -> Suspend
TV connected, monitor option on -> No action
TV connected, monitor option off -> Suspend

PM enabled, inhibit option on -> Suspend
PM disabled, inhibit option on -> No suspend
PM enabled, inhibit option off -> Suspend
PM disabled, inhibit option off -> Suspend

File Attachments

Config option


Kai Uwe Broulik

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