On Monday 19 January 2009 03:29:38 Johannes Sixt wrote:
> Has your change been reviewed? No. You just modified Amarok without
> consulting the ones who know it in and out. I'm aware that you know a lot
> about the codebase, and you are a core person as core can be, but
> by-passing the maintainers of a piece of software that you don't maintain
> yourself is a bit... hm... patronizing, isn't it? It's precisely the
> reason why so many crappy commits happened in the past.

This way of working becomes possible with Git, for sure.  But please just 
focus on first and foremost making the way that everyone uses kde svn right now 
actually work.
After people get productive with Git we can reopen this discussion, but its a 
discussion that is to be held with the broader KDE community.  

Remember the goal of this list; after this list creates a proper solution for 
switching to another scm we can propose that for wider adoption. To have a 
good chance of getting acceptance the amount of changes should be minimal.
Therefor the topic you brought up just doesn't belong on this list.  

Thomas Zander
Kde-scm-interest mailing list

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