On 05/11/2010 04:03 PM, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Tuesday 11. May 2010 21.29.47 Jeff Mitchell wrote:
>> Merge requests:
>> Nothing but GitHub and Gitorious currently handle merge requests per se,
>> but Reviewboard's git handling is getting better.
> pure git based merge requests are essential for KDE growing in my not so 
> humble 
> opinion.

Define "pure git-based merge requests". GitHub and Gitorious don't do
anything you can't do in pure git; Gitorious tells you how to check out
the branch and merge in commits, and GitHub requires little action on
your part but under the hood just cherry-picks patches over for you
(which does some ugly things to history, I might add). So I'm not sure
what you mean by "pure git-based merge requests", as I don't think
either of these would qualify.

> What about github?
> If they can support a git.kde.org a transition to something better (i.e. Free 
> (as in, speech)) can be almost painless.

GitHub has a host-it-yourself-option. I think they call it github:fw or
something, for "firewall", designed for organizations to put behind
their firewall. I know that the licensing is massively expensive
(>$1k/user), more so even than SourceForge/TeamForge, although it may or
may not be shared source (I believe most of their code is Ruby, after all).

Regardless, unless it's open-source and they donate millions of dollars
worth of licenses to us, it's a no-go.


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