Dave T posted on Tue, 21 Feb 2023 02:18:25 -0500 as excerpted:

> I'm thinking about sticking with KDE Plasma 5.26 (or maybe one of the
> KDE Plasma 5.25 releases) until I'm ready to move to wayland and Plasma
> 6.
> I'm on Arch Linux (with an nvidia GPU, proprietary driver and X.org). I
> guess I could pin all KDE packages to a specific version while
> continuing to update the rest of my system.
> Who is doing something similar and could offer me some advice? (Or
> should I ask on an Arch Linux forum?)
> Any opinions on which version from the last 6 to 9 months would be a
> good candidate to stick with for a good long while?
> Currently on plasmashell 5.27.0. Going backwards seems a better choice
> than going forward right now -- for me.

So I know you are considering moving back from 5.27.0, but it's worth 
noting that 5.27 is an official LTS release (I believe the last one before 
6.x, tho I'm not positive on that) and thus is likely to have the best 
continuing support.  Maybe that changes how you weigh the various factors?

Here's the 5.27.0 announcement page which mentions its LTS status:

Given that LTS, I'd personally try to stick with it if I were to be 
sticking, tho of course it's early in the 5.27 cycle ATM, and if you're 
affected by some newer bugs, I'd consider perhaps going back to 5.26 or 
even 5.25 for just a couple months or whatever (aren't the bugfix releases 
monthly now? I'm on live-git so I kinda lost track, but that'd be two of 
them if so), until they're hopefully fixed in the 5.27 LTS cycle, would 
make sense.

But of course being your system, it's ultimately your decision, just like 
it's mine to run "crazy" live-git here. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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