> We should wait for Vincent to comment on this.  He's the maintainer of
> Kdenlive presently.
> My opinion is that we should create a roadmap and initial documentation to
> assist new developer's as they come on-board.  Doing so will give your
> students an opportunity to become familiar w/ the architecture of Kdenlive
> before they start fixing bugs.
That can be a good idea. Also the students could contribute documenting the
architecture/internals of it, if Vincent/others considere it something
productive for the community. Frequently I miss a web page where there are
drawn all the pieces for medium/big free software projects, as could be
kdenlive using MLT, ffmpeg,...

> I have a fairly reasonable understanding of how Kdenlive works so I can
> help provide some direction for your group if you so choose.
Thanks in advance. Let's wait then for Vincent.
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