On Saturday, June 25, 2016 6:58:41 PM CEST, Harald Albrecht wrote:
Dear Kdenlivers,

two questions, somehow related:

1. With the most recent git master preview rendering now does something strangely funny: it renders every other second only. The problem appears only when I use a self-made preview profile ("MPEG-2 1080p 25fps", picked up somewhere in the Kdenlive forum), which looks as follows:

-s 1920x1080 -r 25 -vcodec mjpeg -qscale 1 -acodec pcm_s16le

In the past, this profile worked without flaws. What am I doing wrong? The stock MJPEG profile works correctly.

The timeline preview profile must be in the form:
s=1920x1080 vcodec=mjpeg qscale=1 r=25

There should be no audio setting in the preview rendering profile, since audio is taken from the real source clips.

The project itself uses the stock "HD 1080p 25 fps" profile.

2. The stock MJPEG profile results in a rather "blocky" display, kind of 2D Minecraft-y rendering. It's defined as "f=avi vcodec=mjpeg progressive=1". How can I trade in my disk space for better display that doesn't look like being rendered in Minecraft or using my childhood LEGO bricks?

Adding qscale=1 to the default profile should improve the result, I just changed the default in git.

Hope it helps,


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