
project is definitely 25/1 frames per second. Alas, I better drop this parameter ... or since you updated the profile, going with the stock MJPEG preview rendering profile is probably better anyway.

Did I mention that I really like the new preview rendering feature? It's now one of the reasons to live on git master for the time until Kdenlive 16.08... :)

Now if only preview rendering would run faster than ordinary rendering ... which it doesn't: I see only 14% CPU usage for preview rendering, while ordinary rendering sees at least twice as much CPU usage. (Reminds me of the processing thread=1 issue on my core i7.)

Best regards,

Am 26.06.2016 um 20:27 schrieb Jean-Baptiste Mardelle:
On Sunday, June 26, 2016 8:16:44 PM CEST, Harald Albrecht wrote:
Am 25.06.2016 um 23:29 schrieb Jean-Baptiste Mardelle:
The timeline preview profile must be in the form: s=1920x1080 vcodec=mjpeg qscale=1 r=25 There should be no audio setting in the preview rendering profile, since audio is taken from the real source clips.
It seems I also need to add "progressive=1".

However, this still renders only the 1st, 3rd, 5th, ... second and leaves out the 2nd, 4th, ... second. Any idea? FTIW, I'm using a mov container, can this be the cause?

Are you sure your project is 25 fps ? For an MJPEG profile, you should be able to drop the fps and frame size, leaving just:

f=mov vcodec=mjpeg progressive=1 qscale=1

with extension mov.

Works for me...

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