I can't see what is in the ... in subnet definitions but I am afraid
there is no "interface": "br0" so no subnet can't be selected from
the incoming packet. I sent in this a description of the algorithm
of the subnet selection. To summary with a broadcast packet from a
directly connected client without specific options the only thing
which works is to match the interface. When you have a class guard
in a subnet definition either the packet is in the class and this
subnet is selected, or it is not and this subnet is rejected and
the next (in the config file order) subnet is tried. Note this
applies to subnets in a shared network, i.e. a class guard in
a subnet entry is strict: pools or reservations under the subnet
are only for class members (i.e. it is not the ISC DHCP behavior
and class for pools (which I expect to be merged next week)
will be different too).

About the classes themselves I expect the branch where I added logical
expressions using classes will be reviewed soon so you should no longer
need to evaluate twice the substring equal expression.

For the "not using the classes" I can't say because I lack infos.
If you use Kea 1.3 perhaps you should try a shared network
as  pools and host reservations in a shared network are for the whole
shared network as soon as they are not under a subnet with a class guard.

Pools with class could help too but they are not yet available.


Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>
Kea-users mailing list

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