On 2018-01-20 19:33, Francis Dupont wrote:
>> Tobias - writes:
>> I managed to get the reservation going after using "shared-networks"
>> like you suggested and specifying the interface in the subnets.
> => as the two subnets are on the same link you are in a typical use of
> shared-network.
>> Everything is fine except that the FQDN sent back to the client is in
>> the domain specified in subnet 1 but it gets the rest of the
>> configuration from subnet 2.
> => I am afraid the FQDN is not from subnet 1 but from the dhcp-ddns
> qualifying-suffix. Now this does not give the way to get right names.
> BTW by FQDN option I believe you means option 81.
>> Does this mean that I have to specify the FQDN in the hosts table? I
>> tried that but it concatenated the two domains instead of going with the
>> specified hostname.
> => same problem: the dhcp-ddns qualifying-suffix is appended to the
> host reservation hostname. If you use only host reservations you simply
> have to make the qualifying-suffix empty and put fqdns in hostnames.
> Of course it won't work for a client which has no host reservations...
> Thanks
> Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>
I wasn't aware that option 81 would be necessary. It's barely mentioned
in the guide but from what I gathered, it would solve my issue?

Does this mean that if I use option 81, I should be able to get around
DHCP-DDNS setting the FQDN for my clients from subnet 2? Am I
understanding the guide correctly?
I'm unable to find how to use option 81. Should this be set using the
dhcp options in the host reservation? So for each host I would have set
the FQDN?
Or can this only be set by the client itself?

Thank you,
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