Does anyone have pointers to comprehensive documentation of how to make 
cross-realm authentication work?

I have three Kerberos realms, all running MIT KDCs, which we'll call 
ONE.NET, TWO.NET, and FOO.TWO.NET.  If I grab a TGT for a principal in 
realm FOO.TWO.NET, I can acquire tickets for services in the TWO.NET 
realm.  If I grab a TGT for a principal in the TWO.NET realm, I can 
acquire tickets for services in the ONE.NET realm.  The problem is that I 
can't use a TGT from FOO.TWO.NET to get a service ticket from ONE.NET.

Looking at the logs for the ONE.NET KDC, I see these error messages:

bad realm transit path from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' via 'TWO.NET'
TGS_REQ (3 etypes {16 1 3}) BAD_TRANSIT: authtime 1011926513,  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for [EMAIL PROTECTED], KDC policy rejects request

I'm sure there must be a simple answer to this problem, but I haven't been 
able to find it yet in my search through the MIT documentation and on the 

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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