
I don't know if you have enough time to answer to me
If there is a forum or something more approprated to do that, can you
tell me ?

So ...

I have a general question about kerberos :

It concerns the KRB-AS-REP message where there is 2 encrypted parts :
*       Part 1) One included in the ticket,
*       Part 2) And another one in the "enc-part" of the message itself.

I have understood that to crypt the second part it's used the client's
But when i read the RFC, it doesn't appear clearly which key is used to
crypt the part 1 (ie the ticket sent by the KDC to the client) ...

Can you tell me that ?
Is it the server's key ? (but which server ? The TGS ? Or the end server
where the client want to connect ?)

Thank you very much for your informations !!!

PS : excuse for my bad english ...

Jule Racine

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