> Le 15 mars 2024 à 17:17, Greg Hudson <ghud...@mit.edu> a écrit :
> On 3/15/24 06:15, Yoann Gini wrote:
>> Informations about the principal (name and everything) could be extracted 
>> from the certificate. Principal and certificate contains the same 
>> informations.
> To issue a ticket, the KDC doesn't need to know directory-type information 
> such as real names, but it does need to know Kerberos-specific policy 
> information like "how long can the ticket expiration time be".  That 
> information could presumably be standardized across clients, which is why I 
> suggested a template principal.


That's and interesting lead here.

>> Other option I wonder is using the LDAP backend to answer dynamic content 
>> (we have an LDAP gateway in our codebase, so we can use it as a backend API 
>> between MIT Kerberos and our identity store).
>> Doing so the main issue would be to know what Kerberos need to write, to 
>> handle it.
> The KDC does not need to write to the KDB, although it will attempt to do 
> writes to maintain account lockout state (which is irrelevant to the 
> configuration at hand).  Attempts to write can be disabled via the settings 
> documented here:
> https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-latest/doc/admin/lockout.html#disable-lockout
> When synthesizing a client principal entry (or creating a template), be sure 
> to include the KRB5_KDB_REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH and KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_SVR principal 
> flags.

OK, thanks!
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