On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Alison Chaiken <alchai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anuz, I think your document is right on-target.    I would just add,
> "Don't ask for help with basic C programming."    Yes, there are lots
> of idioms in the kernel that are not found elsewhere in C, and asking
> about those is on-topic, but questioners should not (intentionally)
> ask questions that will be answered by consulting K&R.
> Also, readers should not ask questions relevant to particular boards
> or drivers.   Those questions should be asked (if at all) on
> specialist mailing lists.
good points, I think i will add those points.
One more thing which totally slipped out my mind is adding "Robert Day's
Link". I guess its one of the most update kernel beginners guide, I will add
that one as well.

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