On Sat, 20 Nov 2010, Michael Blizek wrote:

> Hi!
> On 17:04 Fri 19 Nov     , Anuz Pratap Singh Tomar wrote:
> > Hi guys, Lately there have been a lot of discussions on community
> > guidelines, and general do and don't of kernel newbies mailing
> > list. So I thought let me compile a document, which can be used as
> > a general guidelines for kernel newbies, and it _may_ act as a do
> > and don't document. The document has as many points as I can
> > recollect, so its far from complete.
> IMHO the list of now (not) to ask questions is a bit long for a
> newbie list. Isn't kernelnewbies supposed to be a list where newbies
> should try things and make "mistakes". I think that after a few
> minutes of reading the wiki many newbies might get the impression
> that this list is "dead serious" almost like the LKML.
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html is a great
> document, but to my mind, a link to it is enough.

  admittedly, i haven't even got around to reading the proposed doc
yet, but what i think would be useful is a very short, very
non-negotiable list of rules for posting.  detailed docs are fine but
what would be handy is a brief list so that newcomers at least don't
make the most ***ergregious*** mistakes.  as in:

1) use a meaningful subject.  not "help" or "kernel problem" or
"URGENT!" or "hi".  if you do, you will be ignored.

2) do not top post.  seriously.  we mean it.  don't.  and, no, we
*don't* care how people do it where you come from. :-)

3) do not post in HTML. see rule 2).

4) do not hijack threads.

  at the very least, even absolute beginners should be able to handle
the above.



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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