Sam Hartman wrote:
> One long-running aspect of our release process is that the trunk is
> allowed to take advantage of features on the trunk.  In particular
> this means things like as we get new implementations of CCAPI, KIM and
> other APIs available, we'll want to start using them.  And we don't
> generally support backward compatibility for this sort of change.
> One consequence of this is that we may start running into cases where
> specific changes to KFW will end up depending on the 1.7 release or
> at least the 1.7 release branch.  I'd expect to get to a point in a
> few months where any significant changes to KFW would depend on 1.7.
I would recommend that parallel development take place on a branch cut
from 1.6.

I am attaching a document that describes the work that has been
performed on NIM 2.0 and that partially describes what remains to be
accomplished.   The redesign work on the NIM API in order to maintain
backward compatibility with existing credential providers shipped by
third parties and to anticipate future needs has obviously taken longer
than expected.

Asanka will follow up next week with a more detailed description of the
remaining pieces that must be developed.

In my opinion, it is perfectly acceptable for the initial X.509 identity
provider to be shipped as an add-on to KFW.

Jeffrey Altman

Design Specifications and Status of Network Identity Manager 2.0

1.  Identity Providers

    Network Identity Manager versions prior to 2.0 only supported a
    single identity provider.  This was always Krb5Ident, which is the
    Kerberos v5 identity provider.  NIM 2.0 supports multiple identity
    providers.  As such, the role and the interface between identity
    providers and NIM needed to be changed significantly.

    Two additional source files were introduced in order to manage
    and interface with identity providers.  These are :

    src/windows/identity/kcreddb/identpro.c and

    These source files implement the following APIs along with other
    support functions:


    The following APIs are not marked for export.  They are only
    visible to the NIM application and the NIM library.


    kcdb_identity_set_provider(), kcdb_identity_set_type(),
    kcdb_identity_get_provider() and kcdb_identity_get_type() have 
    been moved from identity.c to identpro.c and remain backwards 

    1.1  Registration

    Identity providers do not have to be explicitly registered.  If
    the type of the plug-in is set to KHM_PITYPE_IDENT, then the 
    plug-in manager handles the task of notifying the framework at 
    the time the plug-in is loaded.

    When loading an identity provider plug-in, the plug-in manager
    calls kcdb_identity_set_provider() with the plug-in message
    subscription.  This function creates an identity provider record
    based on the plug-in record and adds it to the identity provider

    The name of an identity provider will always be the name of the
    plug-in that provides it.  The framework does not intend to
    support scenarios where more than one identity provider may be
    registered by a single plug-in.

    When adding a plug-in to the collection, an ordering is enforced
    based on an ordered list of provider names that is read from the
    configuration.  The first provider in the list will become the
    default identity provider and will be used for backwards
    compatibility.  It is the intention that MIT KFW distributions
    will configure the krb5 provider as the first entry in the list.

    During identity provider plug-in initialization, the plug-in 
    notifies the framework which credentials type the identity provider 
    considers to be its identity credentials type.  The purpose of 
    the identity credentials type is to allow the NIM application to 
    determine which credentials belonging to an identity define it.

    Identity provider plug-ins are not required to have an associated
    credentials provider although at the current time there is no 
    expectation that identity providers would ever be implemented 
    that do not.

    1.2  Relation to Identities

    When there is more than one identity provider, the provider that
    an identity is associated with is no longer implicit.  Hence, the
    data structure that defines identities ( kcdb_identity ) will
    indicate the associated identity provider.

    The provider associated with an identity needs to be determined at
    the time an identity is created.  As such,
    kcdb_identity_create_ex() has been introduced that replaces
    kcdb_identity_create().  The new function takes a handle to an
    identity provider that is to be associated with the newly created
    identity.  Calls to kcdb_identity_create() will use the provider
    specified by the identity name prefix or the default identity 
    provider if no identity name prefix is specified.

    1.2.1  Default Identity

    Since the identity providers are expected to be relatively
    independent from each other, having a single default identity will
    no suffice.  Therefore, each identity provider maintains its own
    default identity.  When setting a default using
    kcdb_identity_set_default() or kcdb_identity_set_default_int(),
    the specified identity will become the default for the provider it
    is associated with.  Other providers will be unaffected.
    kcdb_identity_get_default() will return the default identity for
    the default provider, while the new function
    kcdb_identity_get_default_ex() can be used to query the default
    identity for any provider.

    If there is an interdependence on the default identities of
    different providers, the provider plug-ins may listen for
    <KMSG_KCDB,KMSG_KCDB_IDENT> messages for changes to the default
    identities of other providers and adjust its own default

2.  UI Resources

    2.1  Resources by Context

    The API for NIM versions prior to 2.0 severely limited the ability
    of plug-ins to provide UI resources to the NIM application.

    For example, the short description for a credentials type is used
    in the following ways in NIM 1.x:

    i) The description of the credentials type associated with the
         identity provider is used as the name of the identity type.

    ii) As the description of a credential belonging to the type.

    iii) As the description of the credential type.

    For Kerberos v5, it would be more accurate if i) was "Kerberos v5
    Principal", ii) was "Kerberos v5 Ticket" and iii) was "Kerberos
    v5".  While this is not a critical issue for Kerberos v5, it may
    cause usability issues for other providers.

    Resource specification is a necessity in NIM 2.0 where identity 
    providers need to provide strings to describe themselves in 
    different contexts as well as custom icons to represent individual 
    identities or identities that are associated with a particular 

    In order to allow credentials and identity providers to specify
    such resources based on context, the new API kcdb_get_resource()
    was introduced.  This function takes a handle to an identity,
    identity provider or a credentials type and a resource identifier
    along with a set of flags to query credentials and identity
    providers for resource strings and icons for the specified object.

    KHMEXP khm_int32 KHMAPI
    kcdb_get_resource(khm_handle h, kcdb_resource_id r_id,
                      khm_int32 flags, khm_int32 *prflags,
                      void * vparam,
                      void * buf, khm_size * pcb_buf)

    The implementation of the function queries the plug-in that
    provides the specified object for the resource using a synchronous
    <KMSG_CRED,KMSG_CRED_GET_RESOURCE> message if applicable.  If the
    plug-in does not support this message, the function will fail
    over and use the description strings and resources specified at
    the time the credentials provider was registered.

    2.2  Display Strings

    Identity names and credential names are no longer required to be
    localized and user friendly.  Instead, a new attribute,
    KCDB_ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME was introduced to assocate a localized user
    friendly display name by which the identity or credential can be
    presented to the user.

    The internal name of the identity must be unique among identities
    associated with a specific provider and the triple [identity,
    credential type, credential name] must be globally unique for
    credentials.  Having a separate display name for identities and
    credentials allows plug-ins to use convenient internal names for
    these objects while not compromising usability.  At the same
    time, this makes it possible to set the names of these objects
    independent of locale.

    When trying to obtain the display name of an identity using
    kcdb_get_resource(), if the KCDB_ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME attribute is
    not present, the name of the object will be used as the
    display name.

    2.3  Resource Caching

    Since querying plug-ins for resources can be an expensive
    operation, the implementation uses a resource cache.  The NIM 1.x
    API did contain a simple resource cache that was intended to cache
    bitmaps and their metadata, however it was not put to use.  In NIM
    2.0, this resource cache has been extended to support caching
    strings, icons and bitmaps for credential objects as well as
    modules.  New code has been added to
    src/windows/identity/rescache.c to manage and perform cleanup for 
    these resources.

    The unused functions khui_cache_bitmap() and
    khui_get_cached_bitmap() have been removed.  They were not
    documented to be part of the API.  The new functions are:

    KHMEXP khm_int32 KHMAPI
    khui_cache_add_resource(khm_handle owner, khm_int32 id,
                            khm_restype type,
                            void * buf, khm_size cb_buf);

    KHMEXP khm_int32 KHMAPI
    khui_cache_get_resource(khm_handle owner, khm_int32 id, khm_restype type,
                            void * buf, khm_size *pcb_buf);

    KHMEXP khm_int32 KHMAPI
    khui_cache_del_resource(khm_handle owner, khm_int32 id, khm_restype type);

    KHMEXP khm_int32 KHMAPI
    khui_cache_del_by_owner(khm_handle owner);

    These are currently not marked for export.  In other words, these
    are not visible for use by third-party plug-ins and are only used
    by the NIM application and the NIM library.

3.  Handle Management and Enumeration

    NIM 2.0 adds identity provider handles as another handle type.
    The NIM 1.x API defined a set of functions that can be used on
    credential or identity handles to query for attributes.  This lets
    users of the NIM library to operate on KCDB objects using the same
    set of functions.  NIM 2.0 extends these generic functions to
    support enumeration and handle type checking.

    In NIM 1.x, enumerating identities involved obtaining a multi-
    string containing the names of all the identities that match a set
    of criteria and then manually walking through the list.  NIM 2.0
    adds a generic enumeration mechanism that can be used to enumerate
    collections of identities and identity providers.  As an example:

    kcdb_enumeration e = NULL;
    khm_size   n_id;
    khm_handle h_id = NULL;

    if (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_identity_begin_enum(KCDB_IDENT_FLAG_STICKY,
                                               &e, &n_id))) {

      // Now n_id has the number of sticky active identities that were
      // included in the enumeration, although we won't be using it.

      // Note that h_id is initialized to NULL above.
      while (KHM_SUCCEEDED(kcdb_enum_next(e, &h_id))) {

        // Do something with h_id

        // The handle in h_id will be automatically released during
        // the next call to kcdb_enum_next().



      // h_id is guaranteed to be NULL at this point, since the last
      // call to kcdb_enum_next() failed.

  } else {

      // The call to kcdb_identity_begin_enum() failed.  Typically this
      // means that there were no identities to enumerate.


    The functions kcdb_identity_begin_enum() and
    kcdb_identpro_begin_enum() both return a kcdb_enumeration handle.
    This handle can be used with the new functions kcdb_enum_next(),
    and kcdb_enum_end() as above.

    There are two other new functions, kcdb_enum_reset() and

    kcdb_enum_reset() resets the state of the enumeration handle so
    that the caller can enumerate the collection from the beginning.
    kcdb_enum_sort() can be used to sort the order in which objects
    appear in the collection if the objects are to be returned in a
    particular order.

4.  General Changes to the API

    4.1  Computed Properties

    In NIM 1.x, computed properties were only supported for
    credentials.  These properties allow plug-ins to specify
    properties whose values were derived from other properties.  An
    example is KCDB_ATTR_TIMELEFT, which returns the remaining
    lifetime of a credential.  It is calculated by taking the
    difference between the current time and the time specified in

    Along with handle type checking and generic access to KCDB
    objects, NIM 2.0 adds support for custom properties in identities
    as well.  Earlier, the remaining lifetime of an identity had to be
    calculated manually because KCDB_ATTR_EXPIRE was not defined for
    identities.  However, now this value can be computed automatically
    using the same code used to generate computed properties in
    credentials as long as the identity provider has set the
    KCDB_ATTR_EXPIRE property for the identity.

    NIM 2.0 uses computed properties for identities for other purposes
    as described below.

    4.2  Additional Properties

    The NIM 1.x application maintained several statistics for each
    active identity such as the number of credentials that are
    associated with the identity, the number of identity credentials
    and the number of initial credentials.  With the addition of
    custom property support for identities in NIM 2.0, the task of
    maintaining these statistics has been transferred to the KCDB.

    These statistics are exposed using the following additional

    /*! \brief Number of credentials

      Number of credentials in the root credentials set that are
      associated with this identity.

        - \b Type: INT32
        - \b Flags: SYSTEM, COMPUTED, PROPERTY
    #define KCDB_ATTR_N_CREDS       (KCDB_ATTR_MIN_PROP_ID + 0)

    /*! \brief Number of identity credentials

      Number of identity credentials in the root credentials set that are
      associated with this identity.

      An identity credential is a credential that is of the identity
      credentials type.

        - \b Type: INT32
        - \b Flags: SYSTEM, COMPUTED, PROPERTY

    /*! \brief Number of initial credentials

      Number of identity credentials in the root credentials set that are
      associated with this identity and are marked as initial credentials.

        - \b Type: INT32
        - \b Flags: SYSTEM, COMPUTED, PROPERTY

    These were made necessary because NIM 2.0 aims to provider a
    richer representation of identities to the user.  As such,
    statistics like the above are queried more frequently and
    in more places than in NIM 1.x.

    4.3  Deprecation

    Several functions that should no longer be used have been
    deprecated.  The API header files mark each of these functions and
    macros with a #pragma deprecated() directive that will generate
    compile time warnings if they are used in code.  While the code
    has been re-written to be backwards compatible for the moment,
    eventually these should be removed.

    4.4  Backwards Compatibility

    Credentials providers built for NIM 1.x are binary compatible with
    NIM 2.0.  However, attempting to build code written for NIM 1.x
    using the NIM 2.0 SDK may result in compiler warnings if any
    deprecated functions were used.

    Identity providers are not backwards compatible.  However, since
    the only identity provider that existed for NIM 1.x was Krb5Ident
    and a replacement is included with NIM 2.0, this is not expected
    to be a problem.

    4.4.1  Configuration

    NIM 1.x stored per-identity configuration in a registry key with
    the same name as the identity.  However, since identity names are
    only required to be unique for a given identity provider, this
    convention can no longer be applied.

    Instead, the name of the identity will be prefixed by the name of
    the identity provider.  For example, if an identity name 'I' is
    associated with a provider name 'P', then the configuration space
    used to store the per-identity configuration will be 'P:I'.  For
    backwards compatibility, the prefix will not be used when the
    identity provider is 'Krb5Ident'.

5.  New Credentials Dialog

    As proposed earlier, much of the work outlined above was done to
    support multiple identity provider support in preparation of the
    changes to the New Credentials dialog user experience in NIM 2.0.

    The new credentials dialog is implemented as a wizard.  The main
    wizard interface is a blank dialog on which the identity
    selection, main interaction panel, identity specification panel
    and the navigation panel will be positioned as child dialogs.

    5.1  Identity Specification Panel

    In NIM 1.x, identity specification involved querying the identity
    provider for a set of controls that the NIM application laid out
    in a suitable fashion.  This was done because identity
    specification had to be done in multiple dialogs; not just the new
    credentials dialog, and due to the way custom prompting was
    supported, a layout manager already existed.

    NIM 2.0 allows identity providers to specify a single control
    instead of a set.  The single control will be positioned to cover
    the entire area that is available for interacting with the user
    for the purpose of specifying the identity.  Using this mechanism,
    providers can create a child dialog that contains the controls
    necessary for identity specification and pass the child dialog to
    the NIM application.  This gives complete control of the child
    dialog behavior to the provider while making it simpler for the
    NIM application to manage the overall dialog behavior.

    5.2  Dynamic Layouts

    Dynamic layouts are still supported and can be used when preparing
    the privileged interaction panel.  This is still necessary for
    supporting custom prompting in Kerberos v5.  However, unlike NIM
    1.x, plug-ins are no longer restricted to using dynamic layouts.

    5.3  Basic and Advanced Views

    The New Credentials wizard in NIM 2.0 can switch between the
    basic and advanced views.  When switching between modes, instead
    of repositioning controls in code, NIM 2.0 replaces the main panel
    with dialog created from a template that specifies the new layout
    and reparents and repositions any controls onto the new dialog.

    In other words, when switching between basic and advanced modes,
    the positions of controls are not computed in code.  Instead, they
    are taken from a dialog template.

    5.4  Privileged Interaction

    Credentials providers can request to perform privileged
    interaction with the user.  Privileged interaction is only meant
    to ask the user for privileged information such as passwords and
    responses to challenges.

    NIM 1.x had only one privileged interaction panel.  NIM 2.0
    supports multiple panels which will be queued and presented to the
    user as the wizard progresses.

    Each panel can either host a single control specified by the
    credentials provider, or can be a dynamically laid out set of
    prompts.  The functions khui_cw_clear_prompts(),
    khui_cw_begin_custom_prompts(), khui_cw_add_prompt(),
    khui_cw_get_prompt() functions will work the same way they do in
    NIM 1.x and automatically create a dynamically laid out
    interaction panel.  Alternatively, the new function
    khui_cw_set_prompt_panel() can be used to specify a single control
    that will take the place of the interaction panel.

    5.4  Workflow

    Since the primary identity for the New Credentials dialog is not
    known at the time the new credentials operation begins, all
    credentials providers and identity providers are expected to
    participate in the operation initially.  Once a primary identity
    has been selected, individual credentials providers will be
    notified via a WMNC_IDENTITY_CHANGE message.  Each provider is
    then expected to determine whether it wants to participate in
    obtaining credentials for the selected identity and notify the NIM
    application by calling khui_nc_enable_type().  Only the
    credentials types that are enabled for the selected identity will
    be able to interact with the user and receive KMSG_CRED_PROCESS

    5.5  Progress

    Plug-ins that are participating in the new credentials operation
    are expected to call kherr_set_progress() periodically to indicate
    the progress if the credentials acquisition is expected to take a
    more than a few seconds.  The New Credentials wizard will end with
    the Progress Page, where the user will be shown the progress of
    each provider.

    The progress information is queried using kherr_get_progress()
    from the NIM application during new credentials acquisition.  The
    KHERR framework maintains progress information for each thread
    that is handling a particular message, in addition to collecting
    log and error messages generated during the operation.  This
    framework is already present in NIM 1.x, though not fully

    If the user aborts the new credentials operation, the
    corresponding instance of the KMSG_CRED_PROCESS message will be
    marked as aborted.  Plug-ins that are handling the message are
    expected to call kmq_is_call_aborted() to check for this condition
    and act accordingly.  The New Credentials wizard cannot forcefully
    abort a plug-in.

6.  Modifications to Kerberos v5 Plug-ins

    The Kerberos v5 Identity Provider needs to be updated to:


    - Support display names for identities.

    - Use a dialog template for identity specification.

    - Stop using deprecated functions and use the corresponding new
      functions for identity management and enumeration.

    The identity provider management operations are transparent to the
    identity providers.

    The Kerberos v5 Credentials Provider needs to be updated to:

    - Use display names for credentials

    - Stop using deprecated functions and use the corresponding new

7.  Other UI Modifications

    - Identity configuration panels:

      - Support custom icons

      - Not all credentials type panels will be applicable for every
        identity.  When the configuration UI attempts to initialize a
        credentials type panel, the panel should check if the type is
        applicable to the selected identity and fail if not.

    - Per-identity actions and configuration nodes are currently
      registered using a name derived from the identity name.  This
      scheme will need to be changed to use a name derived from the
      provider as well as the identity name.

    - Menu items that include identity names should also include the
      provider name.

8.  Samples

    8.1  Sample Identity Provider

    A sample identity provider should be introduced.  Currently, no
    identity provider sample is included in the SDK.

    8.2  Sample Credentials Provider

    The sample credentials provider should be updated to use the new
    API and handle the new messages.

9.  Status

    9.1  Completed Work

    The work mentioned in sections 1..4 have been completed.  More
    testing needs to be done to make sure the back-end code is working

    In section 5, the dialog templates and the associated code for
    instantiating the templates and laying out the individual dialogs
    is in place.  The wizard workflow has been outlined, but only
    partially implemented.

    9.2  To-do

    The work in sections 6, 7 and 8 remains to be done.

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