This tuesday I must decide if I keep renewing our *ltium license, or if we 

I'm thinking about donating 1/2 - 2/3 of it's cost to buy one of those mac 
minis to 
provide continuous integration/building of kicad binaries for OSX on every bzr 

It would be wonderful also if we managed to do same thing for Windows users, I 
provide a windows VM for that somewhere, or try to setup a cross compiling from 
once all the python+mingw+wxython mess gets working (and Dick + Brian + Wayne 
are working hard on this).

Miguel Angel Ajo
skype: ajoajoajo

On 11/03/2013, at 01:35, Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo <> wrote:

> Awesome!!, thanks for testing Martijn, :-)
>     I think I used cmake from homebrew: 
> MacBook-Air-de-Miguel:src ajo$ which cmake
> /Users/ajo/.rvm/bin/cmake
> MacBook-Air-de-Miguel:src ajo$ ls -la `which cmake`
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 ajo  staff  47  2 mar 00:24 /Users/ajo/.rvm/bin/cmake -> 
> ../../.homebrew/Cellar/cmake/
>      So we should document how to install brew, and cmake + wget + bzr + swig
> Miguel Angel Ajo
> +34911407752
> skype: ajoajoajo
> On 11/03/2013, at 01:29, Martijn Kuipers <> wrote:
>> Congratulations Miguel!
>> I just completed a build on a pristine Macbook Air.
>> Some (minor) comments:
>> You need "wget", "bzr" and "swig". I installed all of these with homebrew 
>> without any problems. And you need cmake (not from homebrew, but cmake has 
>> native OSX version).
>> Other prerequisites:
>> XCode and Xcode command line tools (obviously), which you can get from Apple.
>> Then be patient and just watch the screens scroll by, but the result is 
>> really nice :-)
>> The entire directory needs about 2.5GB, The zipped Kicad is almost 100 MB, 
>> which is around 350MB unpacked.
>> Um abraço,
>> Martijn
>> On Mar 10, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo <> 
>> wrote:
>>>>> I was always hoping to see the libraries ("DLLs") to go into 
>>>>> /Library/Kicad, so we can keep the memory footprint down of the separate 
>>>>> Kicad components. But it is not a trivial task, so it seems.
>>>>> I am not following what you want to do. Is it like:
>>>>> /Applications/kicad/ <- the app with the libs
>>>>> /Applications/kicad/libraries <- footprints, components, etc.
>>>>> /Applications/kicad/scripts <- python user scripts
>>>>> /Applications/kicad/doc <- documentation and demos
>>>>> ?
>>>> Look to the patches/ on github, at this moment, all the libraries 
>>>> *.dylib and files go inside and the other apps use 
>>>> them from there (../../../ , wx and python-site 
>>>> mainly. 
>>>> Also there are the demos+modules+etc in or something 
>>>> like that  that's what I was planning to pull out of again and 
>>>> yet leave it findable for all the apps.
>>> This is the change, I also re-uploaded 
>>> :-)
>>> I think it's better like this, people can go into the data directory and 
>>> change/fetch whatever they like :)
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Martijn
>>>>>> Miguel Angel Ajo
>>>>>> +34911407752
>>>>>> skype: ajoajoajo
>>>>>> On 10/03/2013, at 11:18, Martijn Kuipers <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Miguel,
>>>>>>> Downloading as we speak. On the github page you call it a universal OSX 
>>>>>>> binary, but that would mean it supports both PowerPC and Intel based 
>>>>>>> MACS, whereas is this email announcement you call it i386 +x64 build.
>>>>>>> I'm looking forward in compiling it myself, just to see if your 
>>>>>>> solution is "portable". 
>>>>>>> Thanks also to your wife ;-)
>>>>>>> /Martijn
>>>>>>> On Mar 10, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, 
>>>>>>>> I've been working on the release of Kicad with scripting for MacOSX, 
>>>>>>>> also tried to package it all together with 
>>>>>>>> all kicad libs, and the templates.
>>>>>>>> It's supposed to be a i386 + x64 binary build, with scripting support.
>>>>>>>> It has all the new kicad templates system and libraries inside 
>>>>>>>>, and it's supposed to be accessible from all the other apps.
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure if it will only work in 10.8, or may be 10.5-10.8, (it 
>>>>>>>> has a dependency to system's python2.7).
>>>>>>>> If there is any adventurous out there, please try, and tell me how 
>>>>>>>> does it work (or doesn't).
>>>>>>>> PS:
>>>>>>>>    The codename for the release is "wife", as my wife has been taking 
>>>>>>>> care all saturday of our little "Margarita", so she's a time donor to 
>>>>>>>> kicad now too ;)
>>>>>>>> My build & packaging script is temporarily here, for just in case 
>>>>>>>> anyone wants to compile himself.. 
>>>>>>>> Cheers!! ;)
>>>>>>>> Miguel Angel Ajo
>>>>>>>> +34911407752
>>>>>>>> skype: ajoajoajo
>>>>>>>> Miguel Angel Ajo
>>>>>>>> +34911407752
>>>>>>>> skype: ajoajoajo
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