Unfortunately, this isn't a very realistic approach for many Kicad
users I think.  There are probably a lot of hobbyists here, and for
us, there are only a small handful of board houses that make
affordable boards, and Olimex is easily the best of them.  CustomPCB
in Malaysia is also pretty decent, but doesn't do free panelization
like Olimex does.

I don't know what kind of PCB makers you have in Australia, but here
in the USA, the cost of getting "prototype" (small quantity) boards
made in-country is prohibitive.  The cost of sending it to Bulgaria
and having them ship it over the Atlantic is far cheaper when you're
dealing with simple 1- or 2-layer PCBs.  American boardmakers only
make sense if you're making a multilayer board.

For us hobbyists, Olimex is a godsend as far as I'm concerned.


--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, Geoff Harland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Given the circumstances, my advice would be to advise the PCB
manufacturer concerned that other PCB manufacturers are capable of
dealing with Gerber files which incorporate G36 and G37 commands, so
unless they are able to prove that there are any genuine problems with
the contents of any Gerber files which you have provided to them, then
you will look at taking your business elsewhere.

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