--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, "aboongarden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Kicad Experts,
> After years of creating small electronic circuits on stripboard, I
> thought I would have a go at a real PCB, so I've read the tutorials,
> FAQs etc, and managed to create a schematic using Kicad, although I
> bet you can see my "stripboard roots" in it ;-) I want to create a
> single sided board given my limited resources, but when faced with the
> freeform approach offered by PCBnew, as opposed to the rigid structure
> imposed by stripboard, I find my mind just blanks.
> I really could benefit from seeing what someone who is familiar with
> this process comes up with. No amount of moving and rotating parts
> around the board and joining them with the tracks has progressed this
> board. I need help.
> Does anyone fancy a go at it, it's a small circuit, based round a PIC
> to monitor 4 alarm sensors, and represent them to the alarm panel as
> one sensor.
> Regards, Alison
Could you be more specific regarding how people can help?
How far have you got with the design? For instance have you created
the netlist in EEschema and used CVpcb to associate modules/footprints
with the components in the schematic?
Have been able to open the design in PCBnew and can you see the
ratsnest of connections?
Let us know specifically where you're up to.


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