I've used pcbcart.com and I think it's the best I've found.  It's
located in China, and is far, far cheaper than most other places.  The
board houses located in the USA are ridiculously overpriced; for the
price of one or two boards here, I can get 500 from China, complete
with soldermask, silkscreen on both sides, and scoring (my boards are
typically very small, around 1 square inch).

Olimex is pretty decent too, but last time I used them they had a
ridiculously cumbersome ordering process which required the use of a
fax machine to send in the order.  Who uses faxes any more?  How 20th
century.  Pcbcard.com has a nice web interface that gives you a quote
based on board size, and many other factors (layers, finish (HASL,
gold immersion, lead-free, etc.), and then tells you the price for
many different quantities.  The only problem is that it's hard to get
away with much less than $100, but you can get a lot of boards for
that price.

Olimex isn't that cheap any more, either, like it used to be.  They
switched their prices to Euros, and you're probably looking at more
like $50 for a minimum order.

Batchpcb.com looks promising, but they don't accept Kicad files or
gerbers.  Their web interface isn't compatible with the NC drill files
that Kicad produces, and you have to doctor them by hand.  Even so, I
tried getting an online quote this weekend from them, and my 1 square
inch board came up on their web interface as over 5 square inches, so
there's still something wrong with their Gerber file reader.

Don't even bother with the American places like 4pcb.com (Advanced
Circuits).  Their prices are insane.  I haven't tried any large
boards, but maybe their prices start making more sense if your boards
are 10 square inches or more, just guessing.  For tiny boards, they're


--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, "benjaminrohland"
<benjaminrohl...@...> wrote:
> Can you tell me which contractor is the best for producing my conductor 
> board prototype? I found some in the internet, but the prices are 
> similar. Are there any pros and cons I have to pay attention to?

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