I understand the ordering concept for libraries. I used Orcad for many

I am still not getting what you are saying though. Do I need to
actually create the filename "template.pro"? My template directory
under shares currently has one file called kicad.pro which I may have
created in fooling around.

What I am doing now is going into eschema, adding the libraries, and
creating the schematic. I  then save the sheet. When I come back to
change it I have to reload the libraries if I want to add any parts
that are in them. Parts previously added from them are still there though.

The confusing thing is that libraries can only be added in eschema in
the current sheet as I see it unless rhis needs to me a manual thing I
do. I would think that there would be a global library command in the
opening project screen.  

--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, "Donald Weissgerber"
<donw1...@...> wrote:
> Doug,
> In order for the libraries to be global, they must be added to the
> template.pro files, either to the .sch or .brd files depending on wether
> they are schematic symbols or pcb "modules". This project is usually
> in the template folder. Note that the order of adding libraries will
> effect (affect?) their use. I.e., if you have a schematic symbol called,
> say, r, kicad will use the first occurrence as its default symbol.
So, if
> you have redrawn the Kicad-supplied "r", and saved it to
> "Dougs-passives.lib" it will only be used if this library
> (Dougs-passives.lib) appears in the list prior to say, devices.
>   _____  
> From: kicad-users@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:kicad-us...@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf Of Doug
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 2:17 AM
> To: kicad-users@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [kicad-users] Loading Libraries
> I am not understanding something here. I am in Eschema, I select
> preferences then libs and dir. I add (or ins) new libraries. I save
> cfg to the project file name. As long as I am in the current sheet
> libraries I added are there. Then I exit eschema. 
> When I come back the libraries I added are not there. I also tried to
> save cfg to kicad.pro but it did the same thing.
> What am I doing wrong? I would like the libraries I add to be global,
> that is available for any future design.

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