I have been searching but I am not finding a lot of good info on this. Most of 
the stuff out there expects you to 1. know the tasks and 2. have the conversion 
files. My problem is also that I have a mix of Orcad version files.. Some of my 
files are 6.x and some 9.x  Orcad had a bad habit of versioning up and not 
directly supporting prior versions. You had to recompile everything. I am able 
to view the 9.x designs with a demo pspice product I found on the web but I 
have not found a way to view the 6.x files. I do not have any of the original 
disks anymore. So my only hope is to find a way to convert them. So I ask 
again, if anyone has any ideas, or a direction to go in, please let me know.


--- On Thu, 2/5/09, yajeed2000 <da...@djsbriscoe.vispa.com> wrote:
From: yajeed2000 <da...@djsbriscoe.vispa.com>
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad to Kicad (again)
To: kicad-users@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 11:34 AM

            --- In kicad-users@ yahoogroups. com, "Doug" <dsc3...@... > wrote:


> I realize this has been discussed at length before but in my searches

> I am not sure how resolved it is. Can someone tell me the steps to

> convert Orcad libs and sheets to Kicad? Is this in a FAQ? I know there

> are utils in the files section but I have been unsuccessful in using

> them. Mostly because I did not have the additional files required in

> the process - decomp, etc. Are these files part of the Orcad dist?


> I have an old Orcad install floating around somewhere. I suspect I

> need to install that, decompile the libs to src, then being them into

> Kicad somehow. I am not sure how the actual schematic sheets would work.


> Any help would be appreciated.



Try following the instructions in this post

http://tech. groups.yahoo. com/group/ kicad-users/ message/3202

Also do a search of the group for similar topics.









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