Good choice of chips I think. Did you look into micropendous? he has a kicad 
cortex m3 arm open source design... Also leaflabs has a eagle cad one. 

This would be the foot print builder that will save you some time...
I also like the kicad library generator to make the schematic symbol name the 
pins the same as they are numbered in the footprint for faster building...

I hope this helps. 

--- In, "didcadarm" <didie...@...> wrote:
> Hi, i am a new user in cad system and hope to do my first pcb ;-)
> I am looking for ARM CORTEX M3 library (STM32F103 LQFP64 & NXP1768 LQFP100), 
> or else how to convert the eagle library stm32.lbr for example? Thanks !

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