Hi Robert,

if I connect for example a net "+5V" to a component U2A which has an VCC input 
as invisible pin, I see that  in PCBnew the pin is connected to the "+5V" net 
as soon as I set an Powerflag to +5V.
But the ERC check in eeschema states this as error :
ErrType(5): Conflict problem between pins. Severity: error
    @ (5,1000 ",6,7500 "): Cmp #FLG01, Pin 1 (power_out) connected to
    @ (4,4000 ",6,7500 "): Cmp #FLG06, Pin 1 (power_out) (net 3)

If I don't connect a Powerflag to the "+5V" net, in PCBnew the Power Pin of U2A 
is still connect to the VCC net and not to "+5V" as set in the schematic.
Please see schematic for example:

What I am doing wrong?

Thank you,

best Regards,

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