
on Tuesday 27 December 2011 02:58:35 Bruce Reimel wrote:

> Hello,
> This feature may already exist but I can't seem to find it. What I would
> really like to see is the ability to create a report that would give me my
> spending by category in "summary" form without
> all the detail. For example,  as I look ahead to budgeting for 2012 I want
> a report that will give
> me a total of my spending, for dining out, gas for my auto, how much did I
> spend on heating oil  for my home, etc. I know this information is
> available now but would like this in a one or two page report instead of a
> 6 - 10 page report. All I need to know is how much did I spend on groceries
> without having all the detail of each grocery transaction for the whole
> year. Just one total for that category, that's all I need.

Please take a look at the 'Income/Expense' reports. They should contain what 
you are looking for.

Hope that helps.



Thomas Baumgart

GPG-FP: E55E D592 F45F 116B 8429   4F99 9C59 DB40 B75D D3BA
I don't think any of us need any help in this regard, getting
rid of money is probably the single most userfriendly interface
since breast-feeding... unfortunately. -- A.J. Venter

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