On 10/01/12 02:22, Mike Beacock wrote:

What a shame. I have been excited about getting away from Windows&  trying Linux systems so 
when I found KMyMoney I thought "great". As I started to set it up I got as far as 
KMyMoney New File Setup/Select Accounts when I encountered  a problem. I selected Canada and all 
the info was in French.  This is unfortunate as only about 23% of the population of Canada speak 
actually French&  I am one of the 77% that speak English. Is there any way of getting the 
Canadian account info in English also? Thanks for the help.


Sadly, you've hit the same problem that several of your compatriots have hit. Even more sadly, none of them has been willing/able to do what's necessary.

What is needed is for a user to step forward and invest some of his time in producing the templates. It is unfortunate that the 23% French-speaking have been able to do this, but not the English-speaking. The developers have to spend their time on the coding, and it has to be down to volunteer users to round things off.

So, if you would like to help, yourself and others, please do let us know and we'll try to get the ball rolling for you.


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