Thanks a lot for the explanation!

O Venres, 7 de Xuño de 2013 11:16:41 aga escribiu:
> On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 21:54:35 +0200
> Adrián Chaves Fernández <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Reviewing the kmymoney.po translation file in trunk, I noticed the
> > following translation units:
> > 
> >     • splitCategory
> >     • splitMemo
> >     • splitAmount
> > 
> > They come from
> >
> > 
> > I am not sure how to translate these. Could you please provide some
> > additional feedback, such as where these strings end up, and which
> > limitations there are when writting them (and why)? For example, is
> > it safe to translate them using spaces?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Adrian
> Hi Adrian
> Apologies for causing difficulty.
> This is the line in question -
> "m_headerLine << QString(i18n("splitCategory")) <<
> QString(i18n("splitMemo")) << QString(i18n("splitAmount"));"
> I think it best to give a bit of background info. first.  A user
> requested that he be able to import his KMM data into a spreadsheet,
> for tax analysis or other purposes.  To accomplish that, each
> transaction has to be on a single row, with the different data elements
> in the columns.  Each transaction can have a number of splits, and each
> split may have a category, a memo and an amount, each in its own column.
> The fields you have queried are the headings for those columns, to
> appear on the spreadsheet.  There can therefore be quite a few columns,
> possibly up to about twenty or so.  So, whilst it would be best to
> avoid adding spaces, if necessary it may be done.  It would be helpful,
> possibly, to consider abbreviating the headings, as long as they can be
> reasonably understood.
> It may be difficult for me to condense all that into individual i18
> comments, but I will try to give better help.  Possibly, I can add
> qDebug comments above the line in question.
> Allan
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