On 2013.09.10 06:41, Cristian Oneț wrote:
> On Sept. 10, 2013, 7:20 a.m., Cristian Oneț wrote:
> Allan Anderson wrote:
> I can't give an explanation for why the should differ. Having previously encountered this same problem some why ago, Thomas advised using the timer. As before, I started off using a small value, but found that this didn't work in the new near-identical code area. So, I started to increase the delay. In come cases, I had to use a large delay in order to see that the widget did finally respond. I then started to reduce the value until failure, and then back-off. Having got a particular widget finally responding, after further work I found that the problem was still sometimes there and had to make further adjustments. In many cases, this 'tuning' was revisited. > When finally all appeared OK, I then found that during actual window resizing, some widgets would flicker quite badly during their repositioning, depending upon the speed of mouse movement. The only way I could resolve that was by zeroing the widget height instead of hiding it.

There must be a simpler way to do this. If this approach is so timing dependent it could be that the solution does not even work on a slower or faster machine/system.

Would it be worth the effort to make a temporary version where the timer value is a parameter, so it would be easier for more people to test it on different speed machines, without having to recompile just to change that value? If different timer values are needed for different widgets, then it begins to smell to me like the timing is not really the problem but just a workaround.

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