HI Gary,

On Samstag, 29. Juli 2017 11:36:32 CEST Gary Duzan wrote:

> In Message <8708737.XCdCEdkXx1@thb-nb>,
>    Thomas Baumgart <t...@net-bembel.de>wrote:
> =>Hi Gary,
> =>
> =>On Freitag, 28. Juli 2017 22:22:13 CEST Gary Duzan wrote:
> =>
> =>>    I've been trying to get KMyMoney4 working on NetBSD through
> pkgsrc/wip, =>> and have made a fair amount of progress. I have rough
> packages for =>> libalkimia, gwenhywfar, and aqbanking compiling, and now
> I'm working on =>> kmymoney4 itself. It is currently failing to link
> konlinetasks_sepa.so, =>> with multiple definitions from sepaStoragePlugin,
> one from
> =>> plugins/onlinetasks/sepa/moc_sepastorageplugin.cpp and one from
> =>>
> plugins/onlinetasks/sepa/konlinetasks_sepa_OBJECTS_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_s
> epastorageplugin.cpp . I've included the full error below. Does this look
> =>> familiar, or do I need to just dive into the cmake stuff? This is with
> =>> 4.8.0 sources.
> =>
> =>I don't see any obvious thing that causes this behavior, but since you
> work on =>a new (for KMyMoney AFAICT) environment (NetBSD) and at the same
> time we have =>a developer finishing a 4.8.1 release. It might be worthwile
> to take those =>sources instead of ancient 4.8.0. You can simply get those
> from the 4.8 branch =>of our git repo.
>    I'll give that a try if I can, but pkgsrc building includes the
> process of fetching the source, so I'd have to have a separate
> version of the package to pull directly from git, and that can be
> a bit unwieldy. Unless you can think of particular issues, I'd
> rather get 4.8.0 working, then adapt the package when 4.8.1 comes
> out. If there are minor workarounds necessary, pkgsrc can apply
> local patches with no problem.

Whatever 'fetching the source' means. I would consider checking out a tagged/
named version from a git repo als as 'fetching the source'. But I have no idea 
about pkgsrc, so this may all be invalid.

>    As some background, I've been running KmyMoney2 1.0.5 on NetBSD
> for years, and been quite happy with it. When a recent NetBSD change
> broke the arts package, which is a dependency, I realized that I
> had put myself down as maintainer of the kmymoney2 package, and I
> had been a bit lax about keeping it up to date. So here we are.

That in fact is rather old. Isn't 1.0.x still based on KDE3?

> =>From own experience it would be interesting which cmake version you are
> using. =>Maybe this has some influence on the problem. I hope Christian is
> reading this =>as well. He's most knowledgable about the online task stuff.
>    I currently have cmake 3.8.2. It looks like cmake 3.9.0 is
> available, so I can try with that.

I use 3.5.2 here for my KF5 development and the one I used with KDE4 was 
certainly older. So it could be that 3.8.2 might be too new and causing this 
stuff. We've seen this in the past, that using a too new cmake version caused 

> =>Another bit of information is if you have KDE4/Qt4 and/or KF5/Qt5
> installed on =>your system. Also the version of the C/C++ compiler is of
> interest.
>    I have kdelibs4 4.14.27, qt4-libs 4.8.7, and gcc 5.4.0.

>From what I remember that should be OK.

Let's see if Christian chimes in.



Thomas Baumgart

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