Just one bit on versions.

On 2017.07.29 12:20, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
On Samstag, 29. Juli 2017 11:36:32 CEST Gary Duzan wrote:
I currently have cmake 3.8.2. It looks like cmake 3.9.0 is available, so I can try with that.

I use 3.5.2 here for my KF5 development and the one I used with KDE4 was certainly older. So it could be that 3.8.2 might be too new and causing this stuff. We've seen this in the past, that using a too new cmake version caused trouble.

I have been using cmake 3.7.2 for over half a year, and not had any problem compiling multiple versions of KMyMoney (at least not any problems related to cmake versions. :-) ) (Gentoo has 3.8.2 and 3.9.0 available as "testing" but I have not yet tried either of them.)


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