On 2022.01.26 12:39, Thomas Baumgart via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

On Dienstag, 25. Januar 2022 10:26:47 CET Thomas Baumgart via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> Jack,
> On Dienstag, 25. Januar 2022 08:35:38 CET Jack Burke via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > New KMyMoney user. I'm testing it out to a if I should start using it, and while trying to figure out some of the bank account configuration, I saw it connected to ofxhome.com to pull information. So, of course I went there to look for data I was interested in. At the top of the home page is a message about the site shutting down, with a link to http://www.ofxhome.com/ofxforum/viewtopic.php?id=49843
> >
> > I tried searching this list and the user mailing list, and the bug database, but didn't find any discussion of this (or I'm just not doing a very good search) , so I thought I'd mention it here in case it hasn't been noticed, since it looks important to KMyMoney.
> Thank you for the information. We are aware of the fact and a resp. message was posted to the kde-finance-apps list early this year.
> https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-finance-apps/2022-January/001142.html
> Unfortunately, we don't have a solution to the problem yet other than discontinuing to use the service and rely on manual data entry by the user. We are aware of the fact, that this is not the most user-friendly solution but don't know of any alternative atm.

I have a patch sitting here that I can easily apply which will remove the ofxhome UI parts and allows only manual data entry. I know that it is not really user friendly, but having the ofxhome interface and service does not work is equally bad.

In case I don't get any massive objections to that move or we can solve the issue in another way, I will add the aforementioned code change at the end of the month to both the stable and master branch.Thomas,

The download of ofx settings from ofxhome seems to still be working, although we clearly don't know for how much longer. Even though that data is not being updated, I think it is better than nothing. Where else can users find the information? Is it possible for us to pull a copy of the current data, and just host it ourselves? Perhaps we could also add a note somewhere early in the mapping process which warns the user it might be out of date, and suggesting where to post any questions if it fails to work for a particular institution?

Separately, is there a better place to discuss this, since it likely affects lots of other financial software?


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