Le 01/05/2010 15:55, Galen Charlton a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am rejecting this patch - upon testing, I discovered that it broke
> the ability to chose which languages could be marked as active in the
> system preferences editor for the opaclanguages and language
> preferences.  Say the installation has three translations present in
> the filesystem, en, fr, and de.  If the administrator were to mark one
> of them inactive, say to perform maintenance on the templates, that
> language would cease to show up in the list of options for
> opaclanguages or language the next time that the administrator checked
> the system preferences page.
In my opinion, systempreferences for language selection and usage was
already broken :
If you want to choose one language other than english by default (say
french for instance), you HAVE to get into mysql and edit the value for
language variable in order to make the change. This patch does not break
that. I think that this 'feature' is very rarely used, so that if you
want to use that, you can use mysql. But the long time you wait for a
page is a major problem for each user and on each page.
We chose to fix the biggest problem.

Moreover, making a change in one template other than english (en) one
would be a curious (to say the least) thing to do since they are all
processed from english.

And I guess you could not fail to observe a real improvement on each and
every page processed. So it does what it is meant for.

> Please fix and resubmit - a "performance enhancement" that
> accidentally breaks functionality is no performance enhancement at
> all.
> Regards,
Henri-Damien LAURENT

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