
I just had similar symptoms - until I remembered that I had set preference NoZebra to "Don't use" for some testing purposes. It always should be set tu "Use".

It's a little chance, but maybe you might want to check this preference.


Am 25.06.2012 15:18, schrieb Sonia P.:

OK, thanks all for your help!
I am sorry I don't know all the details and I am obviously not great with Koha.

Rebuild-zebra is supposed to run every 15 minutes for us, and sometimes it 
doesn't.  I know, because then I am contacted by librarians who say they can't 
find books which they have just entered (or I check myself, I run a few mysql 
queries and check if I can find them on the website).  So I know it's because 
the search indexes are not up to date.  Then, I restart rebuild-zebra with the 
following:  sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f library
And then the problem is solved, but not forever.  It stops again later, the 
same day or another day, sometimes one week later.  If I had more time to work 
on Koha, I could check exactly how often it happens and things like that, but I 
don't have time. :(

In << sudo tail /var/log/koha/ashs/zebra-error.log.1 >> is ashs the name of the library?  On our 
server, the closest thing I could find is << sudo tail /var/log/koha/library/zebra-error.log >> and 
it doesn't give me any information.  So, if I understand well "tail", it means that the file is empty.
Same thing for zebra-output.
When I look at the current processes (ps -aux), I can see that there is a zebrasrv process 
runing (it says << Mar26   2:02 zebrasrv -v none,fatal,warn -f 
/etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf >>, March 26 being the day when we restarted the 
whole server).
So all that probably means that there is no problem with Zebra, am I right?

With the errors I have reported previously (DBIconnect...), what is it that 
can't connect to MySQL?  that perl script you describe, Chris?  I understand 
it's not Zebra itself, is it rebuild-zebra?

Thanks a lot for all your explanations...



Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 10:20:57 +0100
Subject: Re: [Koha] Rebuild-zebra stops working very often...

Op 25-06-12 02:44, Sonia P. schreef:
So I don't know what to do... We are stuck.  I can't restart zebra every two 

When you say that you are restarting zebra, what _exactly_ are you
doing? Because, as Chris says, there seems to be some confusion:
restarting zebra should not affect whether rebuild-zebra is doing its
job or not. Also, rebuild-zebra fires up every 15 minutes or so do do
things, does them, and then stops. There is something in your
explanation that doesn't make sense that needs to be figured out before
any useful suggestions can be made.

Would reinstalling everything help?  Wouldn't it take two weeks to set up and 
fix everything?

No idea, it would depend on what the problem was. In theory, if you
follow exactly the same steps that you did last time, you will have the
same problems.

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
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