Paul wrote:
> I have not had time to find out *why* the 32- and 64-bit builds possibly 
> differ and satisfy my curiosity. All I've done is come up with a working 
> solution and share it with this community -- with the caveat that YMMV and 
> there might well be other [more elegant?] ways around it.

Does this vary between cron packages, I wonder?  After all, cron is
not one thing... I'm not sure if cron is in any of the standards
(maybe POSIX or LSB if anything) and even if it is, I doubt that goes
as far as specifying environment handling.  But I could be wrong.

Anyway, there's lots of different ways to skin that particular cat...
sorry, I mean skin that particular cron... and some cron software is
better than others for different situations (for example, Anacron).

Just guessing,
MJ Ray (slef), member of, a for-more-than-profit co-op. supporter, web and library systems developer.
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