Thanks for the reply, but I'm 99% sure it was NOT there by default.   Can
someone tell me what the "default" crontab entry for is,
and maybe what ALL of the default crontab entries are/should be?   Now I'm
concerned I'm missing more than just the rebuild_zebra one.


-----Original Message-----
From: Olugbenga Adara [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 2:50 PM
To: Steven Nickerson;
Subject: Re: [Koha] How frequently to run zebra rebuild and what switches

Hello Steven,

>   Looking for some advice and recommendations.   For a fairly small 
> library

> running Koha from the Debian squeeze packages, how often 
> should the script be executed and with exactly which
> Right now I run it at 7:30 AM each morning with "-run-as-root -b -r 
> -v"

I am quite surprised you need to do that since you say you installed from
Debian packages. All the installations I have done through the Debian
packages always have the zebra incremental indexing properly set in cron and
it is usually set to run every 5 minutes. You can check your cron settings
to make sure that this is properly set and enabled to run regularly.

I don't think you need to run it manually. That is as per my own experience.


Olugbenga Adara

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