* Steven Nickerson (snick...@maine.rr.com) wrote:
> Thanks Chris!
> It turns out I actually do have /etc/cron.d/koha-common and didn't even
> realize it was there (running as ROOT, as well as
> /etc/cron.daily/koha-common and /etc/cron.hourly/koha-common).  I added the
> other entry to the ROOT crontab file "manually".  If this is the entry in
> the /etc/cron.d/koha-common file is this all that I need for the zebra
> rebuild?  If a librarian adds a new holding, it should appear in search
> results within 5 minutes with this cron entry, right?
> */5 * * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/koha-rebuild-zebra && koha-rebuild-zebra
> $(koha-list --enabled)

That is very different to running rebuild_zebra.pl as root. You are
running koha-rebuild-zebra as root. Which does

   sudo -u "$name-koha" -H \
       env PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib \
       KOHA_CONF="/etc/koha/sites/$name/koha-conf.xml" \
       /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl $@

That is, it is running rebuild_zeba.pl as the user who was created
when you ran koha-create.

You said

"Right now I run it at 7:30 AM each morning with "-run-as-root -b -r -v"
(yes, I run it as ROOT). "

Which means the cron job wont be able to run as it wont have the
rights to write to the files it needs to, because root owns them.

This is why your things arent changing every 5 minutes


> As Paul mentioned, there are certain tasks/admin functions that seem to
> require a complete rebuild and not just an "incremental" one...does the
> /etc/cron.d/koha-common take care of doing that periodically?  Or should I
> leave my complete zebra rebuild in the ROOT crontab as I have it now,
> perhaps?

> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Cormack [mailto:chr...@catalyst.net.nz] 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 3:17 PM
> To: Steven Nickerson
> Cc: 'Olugbenga Adara'; koha@lists.katipo.co.nz
> Subject: Re: [Koha] How frequently to run zebra rebuild and what switches
> * Steven Nickerson (snick...@maine.rr.com) wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply, but I'm 99% sure it was NOT there by default.   Can
> > someone tell me what the "default" crontab entry for rebuild_zebra.pl is,
> > and maybe what ALL of the default crontab entries are/should be?   Now I'm
> > concerned I'm missing more than just the rebuild_zebra one.
> > 
> If it wasn't set up by default, im 100% sure you didn't install via the
> packages. 
> Because the packages put koha-common in /etc/cron.d that does the indexing.
> The fact you have reindexed as root will have mucked up all sorts of
> permissions, including breaking this cron job.
> Chris
> --
> Chris Cormack
> Catalyst IT Ltd.
> +64 4 803 2238
> PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington 6142, New Zealand

Chris Cormack
Catalyst IT Ltd.
+64 4 803 2238
PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington 6142, New Zealand
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