You might want to consider, as a "labour saving possibility", editing a copy of the "Fast Add Framework" (add/subtract the few fields that are [ir]relevant to your needs) rather than attacking the default framework in all its glory. In this manner, you can *probably* ignore the Koha to MARC mapping which is designed as a shortcut to the full bibliographic framework.


At 03:09 PM 5/28/2014 +0100, Alexander Tim wrote:
Not sure if this is the correct list to email but if not hoping someone can send me in the right direction!

So, I am not a Librarian but work as a sys admin for my company. We have a small Company Library that is used to publish various technical publications for our users to look through. We are looking to move to Koha but I find I am struggling with the initial steps of trimming down the MARC Framework. The list of fields I have been passed by our Librarian is for only 18 or so fields. I am therefore finding cutting down the default framework very laborious. I have looked to Import a cut down version of the framework, from an amended export to CSV, but this fails with "Error Importing the Framework". I was then hoping that there is something on the SQL side I could do to amend the framework but this has not exactly yielded any useful results. Is there anywhere I can check for an error on the framework import? If not is there any guidance on cutting a framework down to just the required fields?

I am also concerned that not every field we have in the proposed framework would have a corresponding Koha to MARC mapping. Would this be required or are these there for simplicity rather than a necessity?



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