Hi Zeno,

16.05 and 16.11 manual translations are not generated from .rst, but are still using DocBook. Translations for 17.05 and 17.11 are not available yet.

Please submit patches to the Sphinx based manual if necessary using the instructions here:




On 06.09.2017 16:28, Tajoli Zeno wrote:
Hi to all,

I think the problem is done by not so standard XML in file manual.xml ver. 16.05:

<para>Staff members can access their own check out screen by clicking their username in the top right of the staff client and choosing 'My checkouts'<screenshot>
             <screeninfo>My checkouts</screeninfo>
                 <imagedata fileref="images/patrons/mycheckouts.png"/>

The correct format (for a good transformation into ReST format) is:

<para>Staff members can access their own check out screen by clicking their username in the top right of the staff client and choosing 'My checkouts'</para>
             <screeninfo>My checkouts</screeninfo>
                 <imagedata fileref="images/patrons/mycheckouts.png"/>

In fact seeking with regexp \S<screenshot>$ gives me 133 results inside file 16.05 manual.xml. Seeking with regexp \s<screenshot>$ gives me 1146 results inside file 16.05 manual.xml.

My suggestion is:
1)Fix en .rst files of of 16.11, using 16.05 manual.xml to find subsections to fix.
2)Redo .po file for others languages.
3)Merges fixes into 17.05 and master.

What do you think Katrin and Bernardo ?

Zeno Tajoli

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