Hi Satish.

I hope you were able to get the plugins working from the responses so far.

In case you weren't, the steps to take are:*

1. Enable plugins in your Koha instance configuration file
(/etc/koha/sites/gechlibrary/koha-conf.xml), look for:
     Change the line  <enable_plugins>0</enable_plugins> to
<enable_plugins>1</enable_plugins> (1 = enabled, 0 = not enabled)
   There should also be a line above this with the path to the plugins

2. Make sure the plugin directory has the right ownership and permissions
(if you used a packaged install and the koha-create command to create your
library instance, then this should have been done for you):
    sudo chown -R gechlibrary-koha:gechlibrary-koha
    sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/koha/gechlibrary/plugins/

3. Enable plugins in the staff client (More > Administration > search the
global system preferences for the UseKohaPlugins system preference, set
this to Enable).

4. Restart the Apache and memcached services. On Debian the commands are:
    sudo service memcached restart
    sudo service apache2 restart

5. Upload the plugin from More > Tools > Additional tools> Tool plugins.
Click on the Upload plugins button.

* Assumptions made are that you are using a standard package install and
your Koha instance name is gechlibrary

David Nind | david.n...@gmail.com
PO Box 12367, Thorndon, Wellington, New Zealand 6144
m. +64 21 0537 847

On Wed, 25 Sep 2019 at 21:54, SATISH <lis4sat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> I am trying  again for Koha Plugins now, unfortunately not successful with
> Koha 18.11 on Debian 9.11 (Stretch),
> # chown gechlibrary-koha.gechlibrary-koha
> /var/lib/koha/gechlibrary/plugins/
> I tried chown with 3 users # ps -ef  | grep apache
> 1) gechlibrary-koha
> 2) www-data
> 3) root
> I am getting the error.
> i,e., *Cannot unpack file to the plugins directory. **Please verify that
> the Apache user can write to the plugins directory*
> Not sure, how to make Plugins working. Kindly suggest any other alternative
> ways.
> With Thanks
> Satish MV
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