Cheers Lisette. TT could definitely be an option then. ATM, we like to have the 
email/notice subject tailored to the specific items we are mailing about, but I 
guess we could have a generic subject line. I think my main concern is the 
potential length of the notices and looking a little intimidating for 
circulation staff with all the potential TT logic.


From: Lisette Scheer <>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2023 4:54 PM
To: Stephen Graham <>
Cc: koha@lists <>
Subject: Re: [Koha] Libraries, template toolkit and notices

You don't often get email from<>. Learn why 
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Hi Stephen,
You can definitely use TT if you only want to change the text:
You can't change when triggers are for the overdue messages based on item type 

You can also change only specific information. For example if you want to have 
the same intro and signature, you could do:
Hello [% borrower.firstname %],
[% IF item.itype== "HOTSPOT"  %]
hotspot message
[% ELSIF item.typetype=="LAPTOP"  %]
laptop message
[% ELSE  %]
Anything else
[% END  %]
Thank you for using the Library!

On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 8:23 AM Stephen Graham 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Koha Users - I have a question regarding the best way to send different 
email notices for different items when you want to include completely different 
email text. The last time I looked at using the template toolkit functionality 
in a notice it seemed that if a user had several different item types, the TT 
would allow me to check the item type and act accordingly, but only within one 
email. So if we wanted to send "radically" different emails for different items 
types, then it wasn't really possible because all the information would be 
contained in one long email. Not sure if this is still the case? For example, 
we loan out PCs for a year, and when we want to send PREDUEDGST emails then all 
the instructions and information is completely different than what we say when 
the item is a book or a Chromebook etc.

What we have done in the past to get around this is to create a new library for 
some of our different items, then for PREDUEDGST we can run the<> script with the 
--digest-per-branch and that would send separate emails based on library. For 
our ODUE notices we have a separate notice for each library - e.g. we have a 
Laptop Locker library with it's own associated notice and a default "all 
libraries"  notices which deals with book items.

We are just wondering how other people deal with this, and what the best 
practice would be. Happy to use TT if it can send several emails rather than 
one, but creating new Libraries just to send different notices seems "wrong".

Cheers, Stephen

Stephen Graham
Library Technology Consultant
Library and Computing Services

University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB



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