Preparatory committee formed in India

   Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- An Indian national preparatory committee
for celebrating the 58th birthday
of General Secretary Kim Jong Il was formed with due ceremony on January 12.
    P. Shiv Shankar, former Indian Minister of External Affairs and
chairman of the all India Indo-Korean
Friendship Association, was elected chairman of the committee at the meeting.
    Its action program was discussed and a letter to Kim Jong Il was
adopted there.
    An appeal adopted at the meeting noted that Kim Jong Il is the lodestar
of unity of the world progressives and
peace-loving people and General Secretary leading the cause of independence
of the whole world to the victory.
    It called on the world progressive people who love peace and uphold
justice to jointly celebrate the auspicious
February holiday.

Science and technology accounted much of in DPRK

   Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- the spirit of attaching importance to
science and technology will more firmly
be established in the DPRK this year.
    Science and technology is one of the three pillars along with ideology
and the military in building a powerful
    It is an important task to bring science and technology on to the world
standard in a shortest span of time and
solve the scientific and technological matters which are urgent in building
a powerful nation.
    It is the resolute stand of the Worker's Party of Korea to build
socialism in reliance upon science.
    The great leader Kim Jong Il visited the academy of sciences on the
first leg of his on-the-spot guidance last
    He said that science and technology is the propelling power in building
a powerful nation and the prosperity and
development of the country depend on scientists and technicians.
    There are about 1.8 million intellectuals including scientists and
technicians in the DPRK.
    They are the treasure of the nation and the valuable foundation for the
eternal prosperity of the country.
    Although the national economy is not booming and people's living is
hard, the government shows particular
concern to the working and living conditions of scientists and technicians
so that they may devote themselves to
scientific and technical research.
    And the government organizes festivals of science and technology,
invention and new technique exhibition and
program contests to call forth the zeal of scientists and technicians.
    Valuable scientific and technological successes are widely being
introduced into production.
    Last year a hundred and more valuable scientific and technical matters
including production of iron by
oxygen-blowing and the establishment of underground coal gasification at
Anju coal field were studied and
introduced into production.
    All the Korean scientists and technicians are all out to greet the 55th
anniversary of the WPK with greater
scientific and technological achievements.

Struggle against class enemies urged

   Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- It is necessary to intensify the
struggle against the class enemies opposed to
socialism in order to defend the cause of socialism and ensure its
victorious advance, says Rodong Sinmun today in
a signed article.
    The lesson to be drawn from those east European countries which shrank
back from the class struggle,
harboring illusion about the class enemies is that if a country makes one
step for concession and retreat in the acute
class struggle, it will have to take ten or a hundred steps for concession
and retreat and thus meet such tragedy as
losing its socialist gains at the hands of the enemies, the article says,
and continues:
    An uncompromising struggle against the class enemies calls for properly
understanding the target of the class
    Imperialism is the no. one class enemy of socialism.
    Imperialism represents brutes who cannot exist even a moment without
invading other countries and nations.
For imperialism aggression and plunder are means of its existence. Its
aggressive nature and bestiality can never
    We must not forget even a moment that there always exist the class
enemies who are working hard to destroy
the socialist system.
    There are those who are opposed to the socialist system, those
introducing the corrupt bourgeois way of life
into society, taken in by the imperialists' anti-socialist propaganda,
those abandoning the socialist principle for
money and those divulging state secrets for money and others who try hard
to undermine socialism. All of them are
the class enemies of socialism.
    The moves of the class enemies to disseminate unsound ideas into
socialist society must be thoroughly
    It is necessary to solidly consolidate the socialist class base,
strengthen the cohesion and unity of the
revolutionary ranks and more firmly build up the armed forces of the class
and the revolution, the article notes,
urging the people not to be tricked by the talk about the super-class
"human rights" and "humanitarianism."

Many posters created in Korea

    Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Many posters encouraging the working
people who turned out in the
struggle to implement the tasks set forth by the joint New Year editorial
are being created in Korea.
    The Mansudae Art Studio created many posters, reflecting the spirit of
the present times, including "glorify this
year, the WPK's 55th anniversary, with signal victory in the crucible of
greatly increased activity of Chollima "
"glorify the year 2000 as a year of all-out forward march for the building
of a powerful socialist nation " "long live
the great army-first policy " and "long live the WPK, invincible and
iron-willed party "
    The Central Fine Arts Studio, Pyongyang University of Fine Arts and
many other units produced militant and
appealing posters actively inspiring the people to the building of a
powerful nation, including "let us accelerate this
year's all-out forward march, holding fast to the policy of attaching great
importance to ideology, the military and
science and technology " "final victory is ours. The year 2000 is our
living stage for struggle " and "let's beat more
loudly the drum of the second grand Chollima march."
    Created were also posters showing steadfast spirit of the soldiers of
the people's army devotedly defending the
leader and the ideological and moral life of working people from all walks
of life, such as "let us become today's O
Jung Hup defending the Supreme Command at the risk of our lives " "ours
will be arms for invariably defending the
leader with our lives " and "let's unconditionally defend and implement the
economic policy of the party like the ten
party members of the Rakwon Machine Plant."
    Many posters based on the reality were also created.

Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners urged

   Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean Measure
Committee for the Rescue of
Unconverted Long-Term Prisoners of South Korea in a statement issued today
urged the South Korean authorities
to drop such a wrong attitude as using the humanitarian issue for a
political purpose and immediately repatriate all
the unconverted long-term prisoners to the north as they wish.
    Welcoming and supporting the recent formation of the committee for the
promotion of the repatriation of
unconverted long-term prisoners in South Korea which groups 30
non-governmental movement organizations, he
    Their repatriation is a humanitarian issue pending an urgent solution.
    The condition of the unconverted long-term prisoners now under
detention in South Korea remains critical
because of their advanced age and serious illness.
    Their repatriation is not merely an issue of alleviating their
misfortunes and pain and those of their families but
is directly related to removing the state of acute inter-Korean
confrontation and creating an atmosphere of national
reconciliation and unity.
    Whether the South Korean authorities send unconverted long-term
prisoners back to the northern half of Korea
as they wish or not is a touchstone showing whether they are truly willing
to improve the inter-Korean relations and
achieve national reconciliation and unity or not.
    We will actively cooperate with the promotion committee in the future
and exert all efforts to realize their ardent
desire for their repatriation to the north.

Measure committee meeting for rescue of long-term prisoners

   Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The 11th meeting of the Korean Measure
Committee for the Rescue of
Unconverted Long-Term Prisoners in South Korea was held in Pyongyang today.
The meeting reviewed the
activities of the committee last year and discussed action program for this
    Mun Jae Chol, chairman of the committee, made a report, which was
followed by speeches of its members.
They said that last year the solidarity struggle of Koreans in the north,
south and abroad for the repatriation of
unconverted long-term prisoners was further strengthened and international
public opinion was greatly agitated in
different countries of the five continents.
    They denounced the South Korean rulers for abusing the issue of
repatriating the unconverted long-term
prisoners to their hometowns, a mere humanitarian issue, for their
political purpose. The red cross of South Korea
has acted as a puppet, they said, and noted:
    It is nothing but a deceptive trick to conceal the true colors of the
South Korean rulers that they are now loudly
talking about "reconciliation and cooperation" and the settlement of the
issue of "separated families," turning their
back on the pressing human rights issue which should be solved quickly in
the relations between the north and the
    They welcomed and supported the inauguration of the Committee for the
Promotion of the Repatriation of
Unconverted Long-Term Prisoners in South Korea at the end of last year.
    They called for intensifying the solidarity struggle of Koreans in the
north, south and overseas this year, too,
and making all efforts for the repatriation of the unconverted long-term
prisoners to their hometowns.
    The meeting adopted a resolution containing the committee's action
program and tasks this year.

KCNA urges U.S. and S. Korea to act with discretion

    Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The United States and the South Korean
authorities are persisting in their
anti-DPRK diatribe, paying lip-service to "reconciliation and cooperation".
    For example, the South Korean authorities held the "1st international
meeting on the issues of human rights and
refugees in North Korea" in Seoul recently according to the script worked
out by the United States, despite the
DPRK's warnings. The riff-raffs invited to the meeting were instructed to
let loose a spate of piffles defaming the
DPRK's social and political system.
    They were, in fact, dishonest scholars, hack writers and others bribed
by the South Korean authorities to read
papers full of lies about "human rights" in the north. This only goes to
prove that "reconciliation and cooperation"
which they tout whenever an opportunity presents itself are nothing but
hypocrisy intended to cover up their
anti-north confrontation policy.
    No one paid attention to the meeting for this "human rights" burlesque
was staged in South Korea, a graveyard
of human rights and a colony of the United States.
    The United States and the South Korean authorities co-orchestrated this
foolish farce in a political bid to divert
elsewhere the world public criticism of the disclosed many human rights
abuses in South Korea, including killings
of civilians in Rogun-ri and tone down the people's strong demands for the
abolition of the "security law" and thus
cover up the serious violation of human rights and freedom in South Korea.
But this only invited derision from the
world people.
    What merits a serious attention is that this anti-DPRK smear campaign
was staged at the tacit connivance of the
United States. This is an indication that the U.S. design to isolate and
stifle the DPRK remains unchanged.
    The United States is talking about the DPRK-U.S. dialogue and improved
relations with it but has not made any
switchover in its hostile policy towards the DPRK. It used the "nuclear
issue", "missile issue" as a pretext to stifle
the DPRK. It is now trying to use "human rights issue" to this end.
    This compels us to heighten our vigilance against its design.
    If the United States continues pursuing its anti-DPRK hostile policy in
contravention of the spirit of the
DPRK-u.s. Agreed framework, the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations will
not come true.
    The United States and the South Korean authorities should ponder over
the gravity of the situation and act with

Campaign for defeating corrupt and incompetent launched

   Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Christian Youth
Association reportedly clarified the
intention on January 13 to actively join the citizens' solidarity for
general election which declared the campaign to
defeat corrupt and incompetent politicians in the election with the
"election of national assemblymen" at hand.
    It decided to form a 5,000 young voters' solidarity organization and
wage a campaign for opposing the
nomination of candidates and voting against them in the election at more
than 130 constituencies and thus join in the
solidarity struggle with the citizens' solidarity for general election so
that the campaign may gain the all-people
    The organization has 150,000 members and about 50 branches.
    Meanwhile, the South Korean Christian Broadcasting System reported that
the citizens are fully supporting the
activities of the citizens' solidarity for general election, and that over
12,000 subscribers are backing the campaign,
greatly encouraging the organization, just two days after the organization
opened the internet.

Israel warned not to do things harmful to peace

   Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry
of the DPRK today answered a
question put by KCNA as regards a recent Israeli attempt to deliver
state-of-the-art military equipment to South
    As already reported, this year Israel is to deliver to South Korea one
hundred unmanned warplanes capable of
striking strategic objects in the depth by remote control.
    The projected delivery of modern military equipment to the South Korean
authorities who are stepping up arms
buildup to provoke a war from the beginning of the year is a dangerous act
of further aggravating the tense situation
on the Korean peninsula, the spokesman says, and continues:
    Israel should refrain from doing things harmful to the preservation of
peace on the peninsula and
unconditionally and immediately get out of all the occupied Arab land,
including the Golan Heights, in conformity
with the just demands of the Arab people, and thus contribute to the fair
and comprehensive Middle East peace
    We will never allow any act of aggravating the situation on the Korean
peninsula, but take a relevant

Vigilance against Japan called for

    Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The Japan Defense Agency on Jan. 5
adopted a new draft "mid-term
defence readjustment plan" (2001-2005). Recently it also finally adopted a
plan to purchase and deploy airborne
refueling aircraft. The Mitsubishi Electrical Co. Ltd., and five other
major enterprises of Japan have buckled down
to the development of the "Theatre Missile Defense" system at the request
of the Japan Defense Agency.
    Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    Japan's objective is to strengthen its position as a military power,
build up its "Self-Defense Forces" into the
first class armed forces and thus launch its aggressive military actions
    The Japanese reactionaries are pushing the process of fascistizing
society and placing Japan under a wartime
system at the stage of completion and rounding off preparations for
overseas aggression in all aspects, including
economy, the military, ideology and law. Their moves for militarization and
overseas aggression are much graver
than what one imagined and have reached an extremely dangerous point.
    They are advocating the theory of "advance into oceans," a doctrine of
aggression put up by the samurais in the
past, as an issue vital to "prosperity" of Japan and a short cut to it.
This is an undisguised call for aggression and a
war agitation they are going to arm the "SDF" with a high-tech and mobile
means and long-range equipment in the
near future.
    This is aimed at launching military operations in any area outside
Japan as they wish. Their first target is the
DPRK and then other countries in Asia.
    A failure to destroy a viper of militarism in time would bring serious
consequences, warns the commentary.

For Spanish-speaking people

se da importancia a ciencia y tecnica en rpd de corea

    pyongyang, 18 de enero (atcc) -- hoy en toda la sociedad de la
republica popular democratica de corea reina
plenamente el estilo de dar importancia a la ciencia y tecnica que junto
con la ideologia y las fuerzas armadas
constituye tres pilares de la construccion de potencia.
    en este sector se presenta la tarea de elevar en un corto espacio de
tiempo la ciencia y tecnica a un nivel mundial
y de resolver los problemas apremiantes en la edificacion de potencia.
    construir el socialismo adhiriendose con firmeza a la ciencia es la
firme posicion del partido del trabajo de corea.

    el gran dirigente kim jong il dio su primera visita de orientacion del
ano pasado a la academia de ciencias.
    el dijo que la ciencia y tecnica son las poderosas fuerzas de impulsion
a la construccion de potencia y anadio que
la prosperidad y desarrollo de la patria dependen de los cientificos y
    hoy la rpd de corea cuenta con mas de un millon 800 mil trabajadores
intelectuales, que son tesoro y capital para
la prosperidad infinita del pais.
    aunque son dificiles la situacion economica general y la vida de la
poblacion del pais el estado presta atencion
especial a las condiciones de labor y vida de cientificos y tecnicos de
modo que no tengan incomodidades ni
dificultades en su quehacer cotidiano de investigacion.
    ademas organiza el festival cientifico-tecnico, exposicion de
invenciones y creaciones, concurso de programa y
otros eventos para incitar el afan de los cientificos y tecnicos. y dedica
gran fuerza a la labor de introducir en la
produccion los exitos cientifico-tecnicos.
    el ano pasado se realizaron y se completaron el metodo de produccion de
hierro por inyeccion de oxigeno y la
gasificacion subterranea de antracita en la cuenca de anju, en total un
ciento y decenas de casos de valor, que se
aplicaron en los procesos de produccion.
    los cientificos y tecnicos de la rpd de corea se han levantado para
acoger este ano con mayores exitos el 55
aniversario de la fundacion del partido del trabajo de corea.

atcc comenta actos insensatos de ee.uu. y de autoridades surcoreanas

    pyongyang, 18 de enero (atcc) -- ee.uu. y las autoridades surcoreanas
se entregan de continuo a intrigas contra
rpdc aun hablando de la "reconciliacion y cooperacion".
    recientemente, las autoridades surcoreanas, pese a nuestras
advertencias, efectuaron en seul, segun un libreto de
ee.uu., la "primera reunion internacional sobre el asunto de derechos
humanos y refugiados en norcorea" en la cual
los sabios, escritores y otras gentuzas asalariados calumniaron con datos
inventados el "estado de derechos
humanos" y el sistema social-politico de la rpdc.
    este hecho prueba que la "reconciliacion y cooperacion" de que hablan
con tanta frecuencia son lenguaje
hipocrita para embellecer su politica de enfrentamiento con la rpdc.
    pero nadie prestara oidos a este sainete de "derechos humanos"
escenificado en sudcorea que es colonia de
ee.uu. y tierra despojada de derechos humanos.
    la vil payasada parte de su objetivo politico de desviar la atencion de
los circulos sociales del mundo del recien
revelado incidente de masacre en la comuna de rogun y otros actos de
pisoteo a los derechos humanos que no cesan
de revelarse en sudcorea, de apaciguar su creciente demanda de abolir la
"ley de seguridad" y encubrir el verdadero
aspecto de surcorea privada de los derechos humanos y la libertad. pero
provocara solo burla de la gente del mundo.

    la gravedad de esta farsa politica reside en que esta fue escenificada
bajo el consentimiento tacito de los ee.uu.,
lo que demuestra que es invariable la intencion de este pais de aislar y
suprimir la rpdc.
    ee.uu. habla del dialogo y la mejora de sus relaciones con la rpdc,
pero en practica persigue invariablemente su
politica de hostilidad a esta. a fin de suprimirla se vale de "asunto
nuclear y de misil" y "el de derechos humanos".
    debemos tratar con gran precaucion las maniobras de ee.uu.
    si ee.uu. no renuncia sus maquinaciones de hostilidad a la rpdc en
detrimento del espiritu del acuerdo basico
concertado con esta no se puede pensar en la mejora de las relaciones
    ee.uu. y las autoridades surcoreanas deben actuar con prudencia
reflexionando en la gravedad de sus actos.

urge devolucion de presos de larga condena no abjurados

    pyongyang, 18 de enero (atcc) -- el vocero del comite coreano por las
medidas de salvacion de presos de largas
condenas no abjurados en sudcorea hizo publica hoy una declaracion oral
subrayando que las autoridades
surcoreanas deben renunciar su erronea actitud de usar el asunto
humanitario en su proposito politico y devolver sin
demora todos los presos de largas condenas no abjurados a la parte norte de
corea segun su demanda.
    el vocero subraya:
    exteriorizamos apoyo y aclamacion al recien creado comite de promocion
de devolucion de los presos de largas
condenas no abjurados compuesto por 30 entidades de movimiento civil en
    hoy la devolucion de los presos en cuestion en sudcorea se presenta
como un asunto humanitario impostergable.

    los presos retenidos ahora en sudcorea se hallan en una pesima
situacion que no puede asegurar la vida porque
siendo ancianos de avanzada edad adolecen de enfermedades cronicas que se
empeoran de dia en dia.
    la devolucion de esos presos es una cuestion para aliviar la desdicha y
dolor de ellos mismos y sus familiares y
al mismo tiempo, tiene que ver directamente con el asunto de eliminar el
agudo enfrentamiento entre el norte y el sur
y crear una atmosfera de la reconciliacion y la unidad nacionales.
    la actitud de las autoridades surcoreanas en cuanto a la devolucion de
estos presos sirve de una medida que
determina si ellas tienen de veras la voluntad de mejorar las relaciones
norte-sur y lograr la reconciliacion y la unidad
    en el futuro haremos todos nuestros esfuerzos hasta el fin en activa
cooperacion con el comite de promocion de
devolucion de presos de largas condenas no abjurados creado nuevamente en
sudcorea por realizar el ardiente deseo
de todos los presos de regresar a la parte norte de corea.

11 sesion de comite coreano por medidas de salvacion de presos no abjurados

    pyongyang, 18 de enero (atcc) -- hoy se efectuo en esta capital la 11
sesion del comite coreano por las medidas
de salvacion de los presos de largas condenas no abjurados de surcorea.
    en la sesion se hizo balance del estado de actividades de dicho comite
realizadas el ano pasado y se discutio la
orientacion de sus actividades para el ano 89 (2000) de la era juche.
    la sesion escucho el informe de mun jae chol, presidente del comite e
intervenciones de los miembros de este.
    los oradores dijeron que el ano pasado se fortalecio mas que nunca la
lucha solidaria del norte, sur y el ultramar
para la devolucion de los presos en cuestion y se creo una amplia opinion
publica en varios paises de cinco
continentes a su favor.
    revelaron que con su injusta obstinacion los gobernantes sudcoreanos
usan en su objetivo politico este problema
puramente humanitario y la sociedad de la cruz roja del sur de corea les
sirve de marioneta.
    ellos dan espaldas a los problemas humanitarios que han de ser
resueltos apremiantemente en las relaciones
norte-sur y cacarean de "reconciliacion y cooperacion" y la solucion del
"problema de las familias separadas", lo que
es una intriga enganosa para encubrir su sucia naturaleza, dijeron.
    expresaron apoyo y aclamacion al comite de promocion de devolucion de
presos de largas condenas no
abjurados creado a finales del ano pasado en el sur de corea, y enfatizaron
que este ano tambien se debe fortalecer la
lucha solidaria del norte, el sur y el ultramar para lograr sin falta la
devolucion de esos presos al norte.
    en la reunion se aprobo la decision que contiene la orientacion de
actividades y las tareas de este ano.


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