TODAY'S NEWS (January.18.2002 Juche 91)



Friendly gathering hosted by Chinese ambassador

Book "Army-Based Policy" published in S. Korea

S. Korean military's planned purchase of missiles assailed

Rodong Sinmun calls for glorifying era of army-based policy

Korean students conduct socio-political activities

Art performances to be given in April

New method of treating breast cancer

Sheer lie refuted

For Spanish-speaking people


rpdc: actividades socio-politicas de jovenes estudiantes

nuevo metodo de curacion de cancer de glandula mamaria

"rodong sinmun" subraya necesidad de enarbolar bandera de independencia


Friendly gathering hosted by Chinese ambassador
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Wu Donghe, Chinese ambassador to the
DPRK, hosted a friendly gathering at the embassy yesterday on the occasion
of the New Year Juche 91 (2002). Invited there were foreign minister Paek
Nam Sun, vice-minister of foreign affairs Kim Yong Il and officials
    Speeches were made at the gathering.
    The participants talked with each other about the matter of further
developing the friendly relations between the two countries, deepening the
feelings of friendship.


Book "Army-Based Policy" published in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The Society for Independent Philosophy
Active in Seoul published book "Army-Based Policy" on the occasion of the
tenth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as supreme commander of
the Korean People's Army, Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation
reported. The book has such subtitles as "army-based policy shaped by
general Kim Jong Il for the first time", "meaning of the army-based policy"
and "vitality of the army-based policy".
    It stresses that the destiny and dignity of the entire nation is being
safeguarded thanks to the army-based policy of Kim Jong Il who gives
priority to the military affairs and regards the army as a main pillar.


S. Korean military's planned purchase of missiles assailed
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea released a statement on Jan. 14 denouncing
the South Korean military authorities for making desperate preparations for
a war against the north, announcing their plan to introduce missiles of new
type under the U.S. manipulation, Seoul-based radio Voice of National
Salvation reported. The South Korean military authorities announced that
they would purchase 111 ground-to-ground multiple launch tactical missiles
with a range of 300 kms from the United States by 2004.
    This new type of lethal weapon has not yet been introduced into any
other country except the U.S., the statement pointed out, and said:
    The projected purchase of missiles is a never-to-be-condoned heinous
crime to stifle the fellow countrymen, playing on the U.S. strategy for a
war of aggression on the DPRK.
    It is also a deliberate provocation designed to worsen the south-north
relations and wreck peace and stability in the Korean peninsula.
    The South Korean military authorities should stop such treacherous deed
as bringing dark clouds to the nation advancing toward the implementation of
the June 15 joint declaration.
    The statement called upon all the people to unite as one under the
banner of the joint declaration and vigorously turn out in the anti-war,
anti-U.S. struggle to decisively smash the anti-DPRK war moves of the U.S.
and the South Korean bellicose forces in league with it and defend peace and
security of the nation.


Rodong Sinmun calls for glorifying era of army-based policy
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially calls
for glorifying this significant year as the most proud year in the national
history spanning five thousand years, loudly singing the revolutionary army
songs under the army-based banner of leader Kim Jong Il. The Korean army and
people have always loudly sung the army songs calling for devotedly
defending the leader in the whole course of the Korean revolution, the
editorial says, and goes on:
    The revolutionary army songs are demonstrating their might at the
highest level in the era of army-based policy led by supreme commander Kim
Jong Il. 
    He is the great brilliant commander who has led our army and people to
victory with his unique policy on music something unprecedented in history.
    The revolutionary army songs represent a perfect combination of his
original army-based idea and his idea of attaching importance to music.
These songs are more powerful than any nuclear weapon which the imperialists
describe as "all-mighty."
    The Korean people are now struggling full of confidence, singing more
loudly than ever before the revolutionary army songs vibrant with the idea
of absolutely worshiping the leader and the spirit of devotedly defending
the leader. 
    The appearance of our society where the revolutionary army songs are
reverberating far and wide is clearly expressive of the revolutionary
optimism of the Korean army and people who are confidently advancing toward
a bright future. 
    As long as there are the army-based leadership of Kim Jong Il and the
army and people rallied around him in one mind, we are ready to make another
"arduous march" and will always emerge victorious.
    The revolutionary army songs are marches in the era of the army-based
policy vibrant with the vim of juche korea where they are struggling and
advancing the way Kim Jong Il does.
    The idea and spirit of these songs fully represent those of Kim Jong Il,
and the mettle and might of these songs are completely identical to those of
the brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu capable of defeating any huge enemy.
    We should push forward the building of a powerful nation with the spirit
of bold offensive, courage and stamina displayed by Kim Jong Il, commander
of Mt. Paektu, and bring an era of prosperity to the sun's nation the way he
does, loudly singing the revolutionary army songs as the eternal songs of
advance in the era of the army-based policy.


Korean students conduct socio-political activities
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- In the DPRK students are conducting
brisk social and political activities of various forms during their
vacation. The state builds up public attention to such activity of students,
taking it as an important lever for consolidating their school knowledge in
    Students, too, regard this work as their bounden duty.
    In a recent week or more days alone, over 82,200 students of 250 odd
universities and colleges across the country visited major domains of the
national economy including power, coal and metal industries, railway
transport and agriculture to conduct various activities of encouraging the
working people there.
    In Pyongyang, more than 40,000 students of 17 universities and colleges
went to the Pyongyang Thermal Power Complex and in Chongjin, students of six
universities and colleges to the Ranam Coal Mining Machine Complex to stir
up the productive zeal of the workers.
    Over 9,950 students of 36 universities and colleges in South Hwanghae
Province visited land realignment project sites in Anak, Pyoksong and other
areas of the province to encourage the builders and consolidate their


Art performances to be given in April
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Colorful art performances will be given
in Pyongyang in coming April amid keen interest of people at home and
abroad. A 100,000-strong gymnastic and artistic performance will raise its
curtain at the May Day Stadium on picturesque Rungra Islet to draw
particular attention of gymnastic and art lovers.
    Its preparations are making successful progress. Based on the theme of
the Korean famous folk song "Arirang," the performance will make a grand
epic depiction of the destiny of the nation and its customs. A good
combination of famous songs and dances strong in national character,
acrobatics and constantly changing background scenes, this extravaganza is
unprecedentedly peculiar in content and style.
    The revolutionary opera "Sea of Blood", the national opera "tale of Chun
Hyang," circus, and art performances of schoolchildren will be staged in
different theatres in Pyongyang.
    "Sea of Blood" enjoys good reputation as the most famous opera because
it will always powerfully encourage the popular masses in their
revolutionary struggle for independence and their efforts to shape their
destiny in the 21st century, too.
    Through the depiction of the love between Chun Hyang and Mong Ryong
"Tale of Chun Hyang" criticizes the feudal status system. This is a model
work because the heritage of the Korean nation has been carried forward and
developed to meet the contemporary aesthetic need of the times.
    An art performance, including solo, chorus, light music and dance, to be
staged by talented schoolchildren at the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's
Palace, an aerial acrobatic "flying girls", jugglery, interlude and other
colorful acrobatic numbers will also be acclaimed by spectators.
    Foreigners coming to Korea in the good season will have a good chance to
see part of the flowering literature and art in the new century.


New method of treating breast cancer
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Researchers in the DPRK have succeeded
in treating a breast cancer by a new method of perforating cells. This
method helps cure the breast cancer by combining whole body treatment and
partial body treatment in an effort to completely reduce the cancer-affected
region before an operation. Researchers created the most suitable electric
conditions for the treatment of the case by testing the influence of
critical electric pressure, scope and type of impulse and its vibration.
    The results of the test proved that the method of combining perforation
of cells and a chemical remedy is 10 or 15 times as efficacious as a simple
chemical remedy in reducing cancer-affected region.
    The new method confirmed that perforating rate is about 100 times as big
in tumour organism as that in normal organism.
    More than 90 percent of scores of cases in the first and second stages
and those suffering a relapse after operation were successfully treated by
this method. 


Sheer lie refuted
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo
has become more desperate in its anti-north false propaganda since the
outset of the year. This is evidenced by a false report recently carried by
the paper that "unborn and new born babies are being killed at concentration
camps in the north." In spreading this lie it quoted information allegedly
available from the "human rights council without borders," an international
organization on human rights.
    The story floated by Chosun Ilbo was a whopping lie.
    There can be no "concentration camp in the DPRK as it is a man-centered
society where man is valued most.
    There is, therefore, no need to refer to the desperate anti-north
diatribe made by the paper.
    What Chosun Ilbo said is nothing but a plot deliberately hatched by it
to hurl mud at the north.
    The dastardly smear campaign launched by the paper against the north
from the outset of the year is aimed to play the role of a shock brigade
serving the U.S. in its "human rights" campaign in a bid to foster distrust
among fellow countrymen, fan up confrontation between the north and the
south and thus bar the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration.
    But this is no more than an anachronistic daydream.
    If Chosun Ilbo persists in its anti-north smear campaign, refusing to
drop its old bad habit, it will be denounced by all the countrymen desiring
reconciliation, unity and reunification and will have to pay a very high
price for its crime.
    Chosun Ilbo is well advised to face up to the reality and behave with


For Spanish-speaking people

rpdc: actividades socio-politicas de jovenes estudiantes
     pyongyang, 18 de enero (atcc) -- en la republica popular democratica de
corea los jovenes estudiantes desarrollan animadamente varias actividades
socio-politicas durante sus vacaciones. el estado considera estas
actividades como importante palanca para combinar con la practica los
conocimientos aprendidos en los centros docentes y hace que se preste una
gran atencion social al respecto.
    tambien los estudiantes lo consideran como sus obligaciones.
    en la ultima semana y pico mas de 82 mil 200 jovenes estudiantes de mas
de 250 institutos superiores y escuelas especializadas de todo el pais
fueron a los sectores de electricidad, carbon, industria metalurgica,
transporte ferroviario, agricultura y otros sectores importantes de la
economia nacional para estimular vigorasamente con varias actividades a los
    en la ciudad de pyongyang mas de 40 mil estudiantes de 17 institutos
superiores y escuelas especializadas lo hicieron en el complejo
termoelectrico de pyongyang, en la ciudad de chongjin los estudiantes de los
6 centros docentes de los mismos generos en el complejo de maquinaria de
mina hullera de ranam y en la provincia de hwanghae del sur, mas de 9 mil
950 estudiantes de las 36 escuelas de particulares en los lugares de arreglo
de tierra de los distritos de anak, pyoksong y otros de la provincia.


nuevo metodo de curacion de cancer de glandula mamaria
     pyongyang, 18 de enero (atcc) -- en corea fue desarrollado un metodo de
curacion de cancer de glandula mamaria mediante la horadacion de la membrana
celular. este metodo permite conservar el pecho con la combinacion de la
terapia general y la parcial, con el fin de asegurar la reduccion completa
del tumor y sacarla por la tecnica de perforacion de la membrana celular.
    los investigadores establecieron una condicion electroterapica adecuada
al examinar la influencia de la tension critica, el ancho, la forma de ondas
y el numero de ondas, de impulsos que ejercen influencia contra cancer. y
confirmaron que la terapia de combinacion quimica de horadacion celular
surte efecto 1 15 veces mayor que la terapia quimica separada en cuanto a la
influencia sobre la reduccion del tumor.
    a traves del nuevo metodo se confirmo que la tasa de perforacion es 100
veces mas alta en el tejido del tumor que en el tejido normal.
    con nuevo metodo se logro la cura completa de mas del 90 por ciento al
tratar a decenas de enfermas de los primero y segundo periodos del cancer de
glandula mamaria y las enfermas recaidas despues de ser operados.


"rodong sinmun" subraya necesidad de enarbolar bandera de independencia
     pyongyang, 18 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo individual de hoy senala: la idea del dirigente kim jong il de
mantener en alto la bandera de la independencia constituye la garantia
fundamental que permite rechazar todos los desafios de la historia y lograr
el avence y la victoria de la causa de independencia del mundo en el siglo
    los pueblos del mundo se oponen a toda clase de dominios y subyugaciones
y claman por la independencia y numerosos paises toman el camino de la
    esta es la corriente indetenible de la epoca actual.
    enarbolar la bandera de la independencia es una cuestion mas apremiante
bajo la circunstancia de hoy. mantener con firmeza la independencia es el
camino para defender y llevar adelante la dignidad y el honor de la nacion.
hay que conservar con firmeza el espiritu independiente en cualquier
circunstancia que sea.
    las experiencias demuestran que aquel pais que no tenga firme espiritu
independiente, que se muestre vacilante y que siga ciegamente a otros traera
una grave e irremediable consecuencia.
    al margen de la lucha antimperialista no se puede pensar en la
independencia. esta lucha es una tarea comun de los pueblos de todos los
paises que abogan por la independencia. no deben abrigar ninguna ilusion
sobre los imperialistas sino mantener la posicion de principios para luchar
resueltamente contra estos.
    con las poderosas fuerzas armadas los pueblos pueden defender la
independencia y con las debiles se convierten en esclavos.
    por eso deben oponer las fuerzas armadas al desafio de los
    es preciso que la humanidad progresista fortalezca su unidad bajo la
bandera de la independencia.
    cuando todos los pueblos del mundo que abogan por la independencia se
unan monoliticamente bajo su bandera comun de lucha, la de la independencia,
esta unidad sera veridica y estable y desplegara inagotable poderio.
    son inconmovibles la posicion y la voluntad del partido del trabajo y el
pueblo de corea de avanzar vigorosamente para completar la causa
revolucionaria del juche con la bandera de la independencia en el nuevo
siglo en alto. 
    las experiencias practicas del pueblo coreano y el balance historico de
la revolucion coreana demuestran que la independencia es la vida y el futuro
del pais y la nacion y que mantener en alto la bandera de la independencia
es una firme garantia que permite sobreponerse a todos los contratiempos y
dificultades de la historia y lograr la victoria de la causa de
independencia de las masas populares y el florecimiento y la prosperidad del
pais y la nacion. 
    el pueblo coreano tambien en el futuro seguira avanzando con la bandera
de la independencia en alto y asi contribuira activamente a la realizacion
de la causa de independencia de la humanidad.
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