BBC report on Ecuador. John Lancy´s comment.

>Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 14:30:56 -0800 (PST)
>From: John Lacny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Damn, the manuevers of the Ecuadorean military on
>behalf of neoliberalism (in and out of a one-day
>junta) have to be the most lightning-quick
>bait-and-switch pulled by a ruling class in recent
>memory.  I know there have been a lot of postings on
>this lately, but it's still kind of disorienting.  Are
>there any comrades from Ecuador on the list who can
>help make some sense of all this?
>     John Lacny
>BBC, Sunday, 23 January, 2000, 11:33 GMT
>Ecuador indians angry at 'betrayal'
>Leaders of the protest movement which overthrew the
>president of Ecuador have warned they will fight to
>oust his successor unless he can solve the country's
>economic problems quickly.
>Indigenous indians expressed anger and feelings of
>betrayal that their uprising has led only to the
>former vice-president, Gustavo Noboa, being installed.
>The new president has pledged to carry on with the
>same tough economic policies which provoked the
>original unrest.
>One indian, Salvador Quishpe, told Reuters news
>agency: "We don't accept the presidential succession."
>As the indians streamed out of the capital, Quito,
>heading back to their mountain villages, their leader,
>Antonio Vargas, said Mr Noboa had only been installed
>after pressure from Washington.
>In an interview with a Mexican news agency, Mr Vargas
>denounced General Carlos Mendoza, leader of the
>three-man council for betraying the indiginous groups'
>drive to form a new system of government that would
>end widespread corruption and represent the interests
>of the country's poor.
>"Mr Noboa wants to take advantage of our people's
>fight to keep helping the same people as always, the
>corrupt bankers. We will defend our historic fight,"
>he said.
>Mr Vargas warned that although they have disbanded for
>now, his movement is still alive in the provinces and
>ready to intensify its fight for reform.
>The indigenous indian leader was part of the three-man
>council which took power briefly before being
>dissolved in the immediate aftermath of President
>Jamil Mahuad's overthrow.
>In Washington, a spokesman said the United States
>supported constitutional government in Ecuador, and
>was in close contact with all the relevant parties.
>But one taxi-driver in Quito described the change in
>the corridors of power as simply "re-arranging the
>"It's made the indians feel like they've achieved
>something, but nothing has really changed," he told
>the BBC's correspondent in Quito, Peter Greste.
>Mr Noboa - who has the backing of the Ecuadorean
>Congress and the military leadership - has said he
>will continue with the former president's economic
>In recent months, Ecuador's recession-plagued economy
>has shrunk by 7%, while inflation soared to 40.7%
>Mr Mahuad's 'dollarisation' plan announced this month
>was unpopular with the indigenous population and
>workers' unions, which said the scheme would further
>impoverish them by increasing prices but keeping
>salaries low.
>Military chief General Carlos Mendoza, who took a
>leading role in the three-man council immediately
>following the coup, said the decision to install Mr
>Noboa was taken after talks with US officials who
>warned that Ecuador would lose aid and investment if
>it did not restore power to the elected government.
>The US, the European Union and almost every Latin
>nation had condemned any attempt at imposing a
>government by non-constitutional means.
>Mr Mahuad, who has reportedly been offered asylum in
>Chile, has given his support to the new president.
>In his surprise television address, he condemned
>Friday's events as a "national and international
>shame", but wished Mr Noboa the best of luck.
>"I ask you to give Gustavo Noboa the support you did
>not give to me," he said in the broadcast. "The hours
>ahead for the president will be very hard... He needs
>the country's support.''
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