Group for study of Kim Jong Il's works formed in Guyana

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The Georgetown, Guyana, Group for the
Study of Comrade Kim Jong Il's
Works was inaugurated in Georgetown with due ceremony on the occasion of
the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Robert Williams, general secretary of the Good Green Guyana, in his
speech said that the profound principles
of the Juche idea and theoretical and practical matters arising in
embodying them are laid down in Kim Jong Il's
    Llewelyn John, leader of the People's Democratic Movement of Guyana,
said that he deemed it a great honor to
become a member of the group for the study of comrade Kim Jong Il's works
on the occasion of his birthday and
that his movement would study and learn from the experience gained by the
Worker's Party of Korea guided by the
Juche idea.

Literature wishing Kim Jong Il long life scattered

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Copies of literature wishing the
respected Marshal Kim Jong Il a long life
in good health were scattered in Jongro district, Seoul, on the morning of
Jan. 1, Seoul-based radio Voice of
National Salvation quoted the Seoul city committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea as saying.
    Written in the literature with the sunrise above Mt. Paektu on the
backdrop were the letters reading that Kim
Jong Il is father of the 70 million fellow countrymen, savior of the
nation's destiny and sun for reunification in the
21st century.
    Also written were the letters that the people who live in the dark
South Korean society, a product of national
division, where there are no soul of independence and flower of democracy
regard him as their pillar of hope.

Policy advisory group formed in South Korea

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- At least 140 university professors of
South Korea including Ri Yong Hui
of Hanyang University and Pak Ho Song of Sogang University held an
inaugural ceremony of the policy advisory
group of the "citizens' solidarity for general election" on January 19, a
Seoul-based radio reported.
    They fully supported the organization's campaign for voting against
corrupt and incompetent politicians in the
elections, saying that they would cooperate with it in its activities.
    They also said that they would join the organization in working out the
list of fraudulent candidates and touring
regions and actively assist it in its work to testify to the validity of
the campaign to vote against them.

U.S. and Japanese war moves under fire

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and Japanese military are
stepping up close exchange of opinion
as a follow-up of the plan for introducing new-type aegis.
    Minju Joson Saturday in a signed commentary denounced this as an
anachronistic and dangerous move to spark
a new arms race in East Asia and escalate military tensions there.
    The "Theatre Missile Defense" system reflects an ulterior intention of
the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries to
have a "military edge" in East Asia, establish the military domination over
it and, moreover, to hold world
supremacy, the commentary said, and went on:
    They dream of realizing their ambition for domination by stifling the
DPRK militarily.
    That is why they are going to stage a computer simulation exercise for
a "contingency" on the Korean peninsula
from mid-February while stepping up the establishment of the "Theatre
Missile Defense" system under the pretext of
"missile threat" from the DPRK.
    Their projected joint exercise is nothing but a preliminary to another
war of aggression on the DPRK.
    If they ignite a war on this land, the Korean People's Army and people
will annihilate the aggressors to the last
with merciless strike.

U.S. aircraft carrier to call at Pusan port

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. forces command in South Korea
reportedly announced on Jan.
21 that an aircraft carrier belonging to the 3rd fleet of the U.S. pacific
fleet command is due at Pusan port on Jan.
    The aircraft carrier scheduled to stay in South Korea till Jan. 30 has
80 planes aboard, including sophisticated
fighter-bombers "F/A 18".
    The U.S. and the South Korean authorities who have converted South
Korea into a military base for a war of
aggression on the north, continue escalating tensions on the Korean
peninsula through these madcap war

Challenge to justice and patriotism

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A few days ago, the South Korean
authorities passed prison terms on
students of Hannam University on charges that they organized "independent
ranks for the nation and hope" inside
the university and joined the South Korean Federation of University Student
Councils (Hanchongryon).
    Rodong Sinmun Saturday in a signed commentary denounced this as vicious
suppression of justice and
patriotism and a wicked action to stamp out Hanchongryon.
    It continued:
    It is clear why the South Korean rulers have got frantic in the
repressive campaign from the outset of the year
putting students under Hanchongryon on trial.
    The self-proclaimed "people's government" rulers are destined to ruin,
condemned by the people for all kinds of
crimes, corrupt policy and flunkeyist treacherous acts committed since they
came into power.
    Hence, they seek a way out of the crisis in the repressive campaign
against such patriotic fighting organizations
as Hanchongryon.

U.S. will meet nothing but disgrace and death in confrontation with DPRK

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Yun Song Sik, permanent member of the
Consultative Council of Former
South Korean Politicians In the North for the Promotion of Peaceful
Reunification, was interviewed by KCNA on
Saturday, 32 years since the capture of the U.S. armed spy ship "Pueblo".
    "Pueblo" was captured by soldiers of the Korean People's Army in waters
off Wonsan on Jan. 23, 1968, while
deciphering bugged military and administrative communication messages of
the DPRK and conducting watch and
espionage on its military objects. It is now anchoring at the river taedong
in Pyongyang, where the U.S. pirate ship
"General Sherman" was sunken, to be visited by people from all walks of
life and servicemen of the Korean
People's Army and foreigners.
    Yun Song Sik said that no sooner had "Pueblo" been captured than the
United States sent a fleet of scores of
warships, including a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, to waters off
Wonsan and formed a combat flying corps
consisting of at least 730 planes, while putting political and diplomatic
pressure upon the DPRK. But this conflict
ended in the victory of North Korea as the United States officially
admitted its intrusion into the territorial waters of
the DPRK and signed a document of apology 11 months later.
    This was followed by the shooting down of a large spy plane "EC-121",
which the U.S. touted as "Pueblo in
the sky", on April 15, 1969, the "Panmunjom incident" on August 18, 1976,
sinking of "Escort Craft 56" on
January 19, 1967, the shooting down of U.S. military helicopters on July
14, 1977 and on December 17, 1994, and
many other incidents. But each time the United States was compelled to make
an apology to the Korean people.
    All these victories that demonstrated the national pride and
self-confidence have been won thanks to the
matchless grit and ever-victorious stratagem of the President Kim Il Sung
and General Secretary Marshal Kim Jong
Il. They are the result of the wise leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong
Il who trained the people's army as
a-match-for-a hundred army capable of defeating any formidable enemy in one
blow, as a main agent of revolution
and turned the whole country into an impregnable fortress, on the strength
of the army-first policy and the perfect
unity between the army and the people who devotedly upheld the idea and
leadership of the party and the leader.
    The United States must know well that the Korean people and army are
the heroic people, the matchless army
under the leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the invincible and
iron-willed commander, he declared,
warning that the U.S. will meet nothing but disgrace and death in the
confrontation with the DPRK.

U.S. warned not to misjudge DPRK

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Recently a spokesman for the U.S. State
Department disclosed its intention
of going ahead with limitless arms export to South Korea, giving assurances
that the U.S. would continue to help
the latter secure "defensive and deterrent forces."
    The South Korean rulers are to spend 5.3 trillion won for the
implementation of their "arms buildup plan for
2000," including the introduction of 20 types of ultra-modern weapons such
as missiles of different types,
large-sized submarines and transport ships.
    The South Korean rulers overheated with war fever, encouraged by their
master U.S. arms supply and
patronage, are working with increased frenzy to equip the "ROK" Army units
with more lethal weapons and step up
the preparations for a war of aggression against the north, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed commentary.
    The commentary goes on:
    The U.S.'s intention to conduct limitless arms export to South Korea is
to provoke the second Korean war.
    To this end the U.S. singled out the DPRK as their target after the
Yugoslav crisis and are beefing up its forces
and the "ROK" Army.
    We are keeping ourselves fully ready to cope with all possible events,
regarding it as the most important state
affair to attach weighty importance to the military. It is our mode of
retaliation to deal crushing blows to the enemy.
    The U.S. must not misjudge us but know well who is their opponent.

Intensified anti-U.S. struggle called for

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Recently it was disclosed that hundreds
of "political prisoners" were
massacred by the police of South Korea on Jeju Island during the past
Korean War by orders of the U.S. and the
South Korean authorities.
    Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    The indiscriminate killings of civilians by the U.S. and the South
Korean rulers during the past war were aimed
at recovering from their repeated setbacks in the war and checking the
anti-U.S., anti-"government" struggle of the
South Korean people.
    The commentary goes on:
    All aggressors without exception are murderers.
    But no cannibals were as cruel and brutal in massacring peaceable
people, irrespective of age and sex as the
U.S. aggressors.
    They were, in fact, beasts and man-killers.
    A powerful anti-U.S. struggle is the only way for the South Korean
people to survive and achieve the country's
reunification, stresses the commentary.

Over one million people murdered in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Yonhap News from Seoul released
shocking news on Jan. 22 that 1.13
million innocent people of South Korea were murdered before and after the
Korean War.
    The data kept by the "National Association of Bereaved Families of
Those Killed" disclosed that 250,000
people were murdered in South Kyongsang Province, 210,000 in south Jolla
and north Kyongsang provinces
respectively, 190,000 in North Jolla Province and many innocent people in
other parts of South Korea such as Jeju
Island, Kyonggi and north and south Chungchong provinces, South Korean
Kangwon Province and Seoul, and
mass killings were perpetrated particularly in north and south Kyongsang
provinces and north and south Jolla
    These figures were reportedly proved by speeches made at rallies held
by regional associations in Taegu,
Kyongju and other areas in 1960 and material evidence, including photos of
excavated sites of massacres and
bulletins of the associations.
    Maeil Sinmun dated Jan. 20 said that the chairman of the association Ro
Hyon Sop sent to the then
"government" in 1960 an official document to the effect that 1.13 million
people were murdered across South Korea
after collecting complaints made by the bereaved families of those killed.
    The document contained seven demands, including enactment of law for
punishing the murderers,
compensation to the families of the victims and excavation of their remains.


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