Kim Jong Il's work published in Bangladesh

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The famous work of General Secretary
Kim Jong Il "Socialism Is a
Science" was published in booklet by the Natun Bangla Publishing House of
Bangladesh on Feb. 15.
    The work proved the scientific accuracy of socialism as an inevitable
consequence of the social development and
comprehensively expounded the idea of the essential advantage and
invincibility of the socialist society.
    The publishing house said in its introduction that the work was
published on the occasion of the 58th birthday
of Kim Jong Il and hoped the work would help the people who aspire after
socialism and independence properly
understand socialism and learn from it.

4th seminar of political parties on building new society held

   Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The 4th seminar of political parties on
building a new society was held in
Mexico on Feb. 14 and 15.
    Present there were the coordinator of the national executive committee
of the Worker's Party of Mexico, the
general secretary of the c.c., the Dominican Communist Party and other
party delegations and delegates from over
20 countries including the DPRK, Peru, Libya and Guatemala.
    Discussed at the seminar were the reactionary nature of the
imperialists' "globalization" policy and its
consequences, the measure to check and frustrate it, the necessity of the
victory of socialism, the way of
consolidating and developing it and the tasks for strengthening unity and
solidarity among the international socialist
    A special resolution supporting the just cause of the Korean people was
adopted at the seminar.
    It extended positive support to the Korean people in their struggle to
defend and develop the socialist idea under
the uplifted banner of socialism.
    It also extended invariable support to the Korean people in their
struggle for pulling down without delay the
concrete wall built by the United States and the South Korean authorities
in the area south of the Military
Demarcation Line in a bid to perpetuate the division of Korea into the
north and south and achieving the reunification
of the country in accordance with the proposal for founding the Democratic
Confederal Republic of Koryo advanced
by President Kim Il Sung at the sixth congress of the Worker's Party of Korea.

Congratulatory visits paid to DPRK embassies

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- General secretary of the central
committee of the Communist Party of Peru
(Red Motherland) Alberto Moreno, the secretary general of the Peruvian
Committee for Supporting the Independent
and Peaceful Reunification of Korea, Minister of Youth and Sports of
Democratic Congo Mutombo Tchibal, the
president of the Soekarno Education Foundation of Indonesia, the first
vice-president of University Bongkarno of
Indonesia and other figures from all walks of life in different countries
paid congratulatory visits to the DPRK
embassies in their capital cities on the occasion of the birthday of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    They laid floral baskets before the portraits of the President Kim Il
Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il and
paid their respects to them.

DPRK circus awarded highest prize in Italy

   Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Aerial acrobatics "flying girls" of the
Pyongyang Circus of the DPRK was
awarded the highest prize at the International Joint Circus Performance in
    The prize was awarded under the sponsorship of the World Talents
Association, the World Circus Association
of Italy and the National Circus Federation of Italy before the first
performance in Genoa on Feb. 11.
    Egidio Palmeri, chairman of the National Circus Federation of Italy,
told the audience before the prize-awarding
ceremony that the highest prize was awarded to the acrobatics of the DPRK
at a significant time when the diplomatic
relations were established between Italy and the DPRK.
    There are at least 150 circuses, large and small, in Italy with a long
circus history but none of them has been
awarded the highest prize, and circuses of many countries have come but the
prize has never been awarded to
circuses of other countries, he said.
    He expressed his gratitude to Kim Jong Il, the great leader of Korea,
for sending such excellent acrobatics to
    Padric Tonadegui, director of the art department of the organizing
committee of the Monte Carlo International
Circus Festival, said that it is very natural and just that the highest
prize was awarded only to the aerial acrobatics of
the DPRK at the international joint circus performance.
    Yedi Murillo, chairman of the World Talents Association, noted that as
one of organizers of the international
joint circus performance he had never felt pride like this time.
    No others have rocked the world with so new, unique and fine circus
skill as the DPRK did, he said.
    A small group of the Pyongyang Circus performed in Milano, Savona and

GI's killing of S. Korean woman flailed

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the
Peaceful Reunification of the
Fatherland issued a statement on Thursday bitterly denouncing the U.S.
aggressor's killing of a South Korean
    Mccarthy, a soldier of a unit of the U.S. forces in Phaju city, Kyonggi
Province of South Korea, on Feb. 19
was going to toy with the 32-year-old waitress at a bar in Rithaewon-dong,
Seoul. When she resisted, the murderer
made her bloodstained and strangled her.
    The statement said the incident is not a product which comes from
immorality and brutal character of a GI but a
crime out of the arrogant national discrimination and misanthropy of the
U.S., who consider the South Korean
people inferior to animals.
    It recalled the crimes committed by U.S. aggression troops in the past
including the incidents of cutting hair of a
woman in Tongduchon and painting a woman in Uijongbu, sexual violence
against six-year-old child, killings of
women Yun Kum I, Jon Ji Na and Sin Cha Gum.
    The statement stressed that it is the only shame for the nation not to
punish the U.S. brutes who disgrace and
kill a lot of women in South Korea today.

Japan urged to halt its moves for retrogressive revision of constitution

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary assails the formally started
Japanese diet discussion on the revision of the constitution.
    Recalling that the Japanese highest legislative body formally began a
discussion on the revision of the
constitution for the purpose of rewriting the existing constitution that
has been so far called "peace constitution" into
a war constitution, the commentary describes this as a serious development.
    It continues:
    The deliberation on the revision of the constitution at both houses of
the Japanese diet aimed at replacing the
"peace constitution" by one for war signifies a step forward in entering a
practical phase of legalizing the right of
belligerency and the right to participate in a war and declaring aggression
and war as a policy.
    This fully reveals the militaristic nature of Japan and its aggressive
    The main aim the Japanese reactionaries seek in the constitutional
revision is to rewrite its article 9 which deals
with the nature and kernel of the "peace constitution."
    This article legally bans all war actions by Japan.
    In fact, the legislation related to the new "guidelines" adopted by
Japan last year rendered the article invalid.
    It is the position of the Japanese reactionaries to delete it as they
consider it to be a hindrance to them.
    Their aim is to lay down it as constitutional requirements to formally
adopt a wartime system and war actions as
a national policy and mobilize all the manpower, material and military
potentials in aggression overseas.
    A failure to check the Japanese reactionaries' retrogressive revision
of the constitution may plunge the world
into a serious turmoil and disasters.
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised to immediately halt their
moves for the retrogressive constitutional

S. Korean rulers' crimes in two years of their office denounced

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed
article denouncing the rulers of the
"people's government" in South Korea for their indelible crimes committed
against the Korean nation, two years
after the South Korean chief executive installed this "government."
    It was the most hideous crime committed by the rulers of the "people's
government" against the country and
nation in the past two years that they sold off independence vital to a
nation to foreign forces, the article notes, and
goes on:
    The South Korean chief executive described his "victory in the
Presidential Election" as a victory of the U.S.
and begged for permanent presence of the U.S. forces in South Korea and was
so mean as to bring the remains of a
U.S. missionary Underwood to South Korea to be buried there.
    Moreover, he also implored for a "joint investigation" into brutal mass
killings committed by GIs during the
Korean war, talking about the "friendly relations with the U.S."
    He put his predecessors into the shade in pro-Japanese traitorous acts.
He repeatedly invited the Japanese
"emperor" to visit South Korea, opened its door to Japanese pop culture and
abolished the "system of diversified
import channel."
    In two years of their office the South Korean rulers have increased
such social evils as the ever-widening gap
between the rich and the poor, dampened the nation's desire for
reunification and escalated the danger of war.
    There are 8 million jobless people in South Korea and the number of
beggars is treble that in the period of the
"civilian" rule. Two-thirds of the middle classes in the past have been
reduced to the poor classes, bringing the
number of the absolute poor to over 13 million.
    The South Korean rulers have turned down our sincere
reunification-oriented offer in which we proposed a
wide-ranging dialogue including high-level talks between the north and the
south and set out even ways of
implementing priorities to be fulfilled for them.
    They are staging war exercises targeted against the north almost every
day after branding it as their "principal
    The South Korean rulers have sold off independence vital to the nation
to the foreign forces, plunged the South
Korean people into distress through their cunning and vicious anti-social
rule, blocked the reunification through
anti-reunification confrontation moves and increased the danger of war.
These crimes are intolerable.
    As long as these rulers are allowed to stay in power, the nation can
neither recover its dignity and sovereignty
from the foreign forces nor achieve national reunification, nor can the
South Korean people live as human beings
and avoid a scourge of war.
    This is the lesson drawn from what they have done in the last two years
of their office.

Costa Rican national symposium held

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- A Costa Rican national symposium on
the Juche idea for peace,
independence and development was held in San Jose on Feb. 17 on the
occasion of the birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il under the co-sponsorship of the Latin American
Institute of the Juche Idea and the Costa
Rican Institute of the Juche Idea.
    Chairman of the Latin American Institute of the Juche Idea Jose
Francisco Aguilar Bulgarelli in his report said
that application of the Juche idea is the only way of raising the level of
the consciousness of independence of the
people and realizing the sovereignty of the country and welfare of the
people, noting that the sovereignty and the
rights of the working people have been infringed upon by the imperialists'
policy of neo-liberalism in Costa Rica
and other Latin American countries.
    A final declaration was adopted there.
    We deem it the way of retaking the sovereignty of the nation and
building more wonderful, righteous society in
Costa Rica to apply the Juche idea, the declaration said, and went on:
    We declare we assume the duty to put it into practice.
    We declare that we will always be with the Korean people in the
struggle to reunify the country and build a
powerful socialist country.

TV drama on Jong Song Ok produced

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The TV drama "I Ran Picturing Leader
Kim Jong Il In Mind" is now
telecast in the DPRK.
    An artistic depiction of Jong Song Ok, a marathoner of the Amnokgang
Sports Group, is combined with a
documentary film on how she dreamt of becoming a marathoner in her
childhood and how she trained herself to
participate in the championships and how she ran in Sevilla.
    She came first at the women's marathon race of the 7th World Track and
Field Championships held in Spain
last August, emerging as a world marathon queen.
    She was born into an ordinary worker's family in Korea.
    It was thanks to the loving care of Kim Jong Il that she became a world
marathon queen and a praiseworthy
daughter of the nation who exalted the dignity of the nation.
    No wonder, she, upon winning the race, proudly declared that she ran
the whole distance, picturing Kim Jong
Il in mind.
    He highly praised the fighting spirit of Jong with which she exalted
the honor of the nation. Noting with great
satisfaction that this was something unprecedented in the history of the
nation and a great happy event for it, he
showed great loving care which should be remembered by her family
generation after generation.
    He presented to her a gold watch bearing the august name of the
President Kim Il Sung as a citation and gave
her a deluxe flat and car as gifts. The titles of the DPRK heroine and
people's sportswoman were awarded to her.
    A variety of work to convey to posterity the feats of heroine Jong Song
Ok is under way in Korea.
    Commemorative coins (gold and silver) and stamps depicting her were
released and publications such as
calendars and calendar card for the year 2000 and "Korean pictorial"
carried her large picture.
    Posters depicting Jong breasting the tape is seen in every part of the
    Heroine Jong Song Ok is sweating profusely in training.
    Sometimes she even runs up 37 stories to reach her flat, declining to
use a lift.

Lebanese national symposium held

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- A Lebanese national symposium on the
Juche idea and national
sovereignty was held in Beirut on Feb. 15 on the occasion of the 58th
birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Present there were the chairman of the External Relations Committee of
the National Assembly of Lebanon,
assemblymen, delegates of political parties and public organizations in
Lebanon and delegates from Syria and
    A floral basket was laid before the portraits of the President Kim Il
Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il in
the name of the participants in the symposium.
    The secretary general of the c.c., the Lebanon Federation of Workers
made an opening address and a report,
which was followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers underscored the need to strengthen joint
action of the anti-imperialist independent
forces at present.
    As it is single-heartedly rallied around Kim Jong Il under the banner
of the Juche idea, the DPRK is
demonstrating its might as an invincible country upon which any imperialist
aggression forces dare not pounce, they
said, stressing that only when one strengthens one's own driving force as
demanded by the Juche idea can one
defend the sovereignty of the country and the nation.
    The great Juche idea and the experience in the struggle of the DPRK
where it has been embodied are becoming a
beacon of the peoples of all countries in the struggle to realize
sovereignty, they said, adding that they will in the
future deeply study them and apply them to the struggle of the peoples of
regional countries and thus bring a turning
point in the struggle for sovereignty and actively contribute to
accelerating the victory of the cause of global
    A bulletin explaining the brief biography of Kim Jong Il and the basic
principles of the Juche idea was
distributed as a document of the symposium.
    A letter to him was adopted there.

Song on Korean people's faith

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The revolutionary "Song of Red Flag"
is sung as a song on the Korean
people's faith.
    Loud singing of this song is heard in every work-site for the building
of a powerful nation where the red flag is
    The song reflects the revolutionary spirit of the Korean people to hold
aloft the red flag, the banner of
revolution, to the end despite whatever adversity and ordeals.
    It was created and disseminated in the 1930s when the Korean people
fought the revolutionary war to defeat the
Japanese imperialists who occupied Korea.
    The song having three bars reflects the anti-Japanese revolutionary
fighters' pledge made before a
comrade-in-arms who fell in action for revolution. The song curses those
who betrayed the revolution, greedy for
money and high position, after abandoning the red flag in the bloody battle
against the enemy.
    The song represents the firm determination to fight to the end under
the uplifted banner of the revolution,
braving prison and the scaffold.
    The Korean people's unshakable resolution is stressed in the refrain of
the song which says "Let Cowards
Flinch and Traitors Sneer= We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here."
    The Korean people are building a powerful nation despite all
difficulties and ordeals, singing this song.
    This song is chosen by the merited chorus of the Korean People's Army
and other art troupes as an important
piece of their programs.

Anniversary of Pomminryon south headquarters observed

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed
article to the 5th anniversary of
the formation of the south headquarters of the National Alliance for the
Country's Reunification (Pomminryon).
    The formation of the Pomminryon south headquarters is the proud
fruition of the patriotic will and strong
fighting spirit of those relating to the south side's Pomminryon and the
common gains of all the pro-reunification
patriotic forces at home and abroad who have supported their struggle in
every way, the paper says, and goes on:
    The Pomminryon south headquarters, since the proclamation of its
formation, has taken the lead in the struggle
for the unity of the nation and the reunification of the country as the
leading force of the movement for national
reunification in South Korea.
    The banner of independence, democracy and reunification maintained by
the Pomminryon south headquarters
and its indomitable struggle enjoy full support from the South Korean
people and fellow countrymen in the north
and overseas.
    People from all walks of life in the north, south and overseas should
smash the South Korean authorities'
maneuvers for anti-reunification confrontation and war firmly united around
    The paper calls upon the pro-reunification patriotic forces in the
north, south and abroad to hold fast to the
three-point charter of national reunification and five-point policy of
great national unity and to conduct a dynamic
movement for their implementation in various forms and ways.
    Pomminryon should carry out its mission and role as an umbrella
organization of nation-wide pro-reunification
patriotic forces, the leading force of reunification and patriotism, by
successfully holding pan-national rallies and
other pro-reunification festival functions and reunification movement in
the firm unity and solidarity of those in the
north, south and overseas as it did in the past period.

Anniversary of theses on socialist rural question observed

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The 36th anniversary of the theses on
the socialist rural question in the
DPRK falls on today.
    The President Kim Il Sung released the famous work "Theses on the
Socialist Rural Question In Our Country"
at the eighth plenary meeting of the fourth Central Committee of the
Worker's Party of Korea on February 25, Juche
53 (1964).
    The theses scientifically clarifies the main principles and ways of
solving the socialist rural question.
    Papers here today observe this day.
    Minju Joson in an editorial says that with the publication of the
theses a powerful ideological and theoretical
instrument of final settlement of the rural question, one of the most
difficult issues in socialist construction, has been
provided and the Korean people have confidently pushed ahead with the
socialist rural construction with the most
scientific milestone.
    It continues:
    Under the bright rays of the theses the three revolutions, ideological,
technical and cultural, were carried out so
dynamically that the socialist agricultural system was consolidated
politically and ideologically, materially and
technically in the DPRK, the difference between town and the country
drastically decreased and the countryside
turned into the socialist one good to work and live in.
    The greatness and vitality of the idea set forth in the theses have
been brought into full play by the energetic and
seasoned leadership of the great Kim Jong Il.
    His wise revolutionary leadership over the socialist rural construction
is the great revolutionary leadership to
firmly defend and carry through the theses of Kim Il Sung.

Spokesman for DPRK FM on massive arms buildup

   Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the DPRK Foreign
Ministry today answered a question
put by KCNA as regards the U.S. recent massive arms buildup in South Korea
and the resultant escalating tensions.

    As already reported, chairman of the U.S. joint chiefs of staff Henry
Shelton, addressing the senate armed
services committee on Feb. 8, disclosed that the U.S. has beefed up its
forces in South Korea and the "ROK" army.

    According to him, the U.S. has deployed improved tanks, infantry
vehicles, latest attack helicopters, aircraft
and other sophisticated war equipment and the Patriot missile defense
system in South Korea and its marines in
Okinawa, Japan and its ground force on the U.S. mainland are fully ready to
be hurled into the Korean peninsula on
a short notice.
    Not content with this, the U.S. has staged madcap joint military drills
under various code names with Japan and
the South Korean authorities since the very outset of the year allegedly to
cope with an "emergency" on the Korean
    This clearly proves that although the U.S. is paying lip-service to the
"peace" on the Korean peninsula and
"improved relations with the DPRK" its "policy of strength" to stifle it
militarily remains unchanged.
    The United States' beefing up of its forces in South Korea and the
"ROK" army and massive introduction of the
latest war equipment into there and various joint military drills staged by
it are dangerous moves driving the situation
on the Korean peninsula to an extreme pitch of tension.
    The U.S. is apt to talk about "peace" and "security" on the Korean
peninsula and the "improved relations"
whenever it sits face to face with the DPRK but is stepping up its war
preparations to militarily stifle the other
partner of the dialogue behind it.
    This compels the DPRK to maintain utmost vigilance against the U.S.
double-dealing tactics.
    We are closely watching the U.S. moves to escalate the tensions getting
more undisguised since the outset of
the year and fully ready to counter them.

For Spanish-speaking people

corri teniendo en mi mente a general kim jong il

    pyongyang, 25 de febrero (atcc) -- en estos dias en la rpd de corea se
ofrece el drama de historias autenticas de
tv. "corri teniendo en mi mente al general".
    el drama muestra en documental la vida de la atleta jong song ok del
equipo deportivo amrokgang que sonaba
desde ninez en llegar a la maratonista, el aspecto de su entrenamiento
hasta antes de participar en el campeonato y su
presencia en sevilla.
    ella ocupo el primer lugar en la competencia de maraton (f) del septimo
campeonato mundial de atletismo
efectuado en agosto del ano pasado en espana y se convirtio en la "princesa
de maraton" del mundo.
    ella nacio en una familia obrera de la rpdc.
    bajo la benevola atencion del gran dirigente kim jong il se ha hecho la
"princesa de maraton" del mundo y la hija
digna de la nacion que exalto el honor de la rpdc.
    en la orgullosa tribuna luego de cortar primera vez la cinta de la meta
ella declaro a un enjambre de periodistas:
    "corri teniendo en mi mente al estimado general.
    el dirigente kim jong il evaluo altamente el espiritu de lucha de la
maratonista jong song ok quien exalto el honor
de la patria, dijo con satisfaccion que es un evento ocurrido por primera
vez en nuestra historia de la nacion, un gran
jubilo para la nacion y le dispenso el amor y solicitud que se transmitiran
de generacion en generacion.
    el estimado general le premio el reloj de pulsera de oro en que esta
grabado el nombre del gran lider presidente
kim il sung y le regalo una vivienda moderna y un carro de mejor calidad.
    e hizo otorgarle titulos de heroe de republica y deportista del pueblo.
    en la rpdc se desarrollan diversas labores para transmitir eternamente
las hazanas de la heroina jong song ok.
    hasta la fecha se emitieron la moneda conmemorativa en oro y plata y el
sello que la describen y se inserto su
foto en los calendarios de distintas clases del ano 2000, la "revista
ilustrada de corea" y otras numerosas
    en las avenidas se ven tambien pancartas que muestran la escena en que
ella corta la cinta de la meta y otros.
    hoy dia tambien la heroina jong song ok dedica mayores esfuerzos al

cuarto simposio de partidos politicos sobre construccion de nueva sociedad

    pyongyang, 25 de febrero (atcc) -- mejico sirvio de sede los dias 14 y
15 para el cuarto simposio de los partidos
politicos sobre la construccion de la nueva sociedad.
    participaron las delegaciones y delegados de mas de 20 paises, entre
otros la republica popular democratica de
corea, el peru, libia y guatemala incluyendo el coordinador del comite
ejecutivo nacional del partido del trabajo de
mexico y el secretario general del cc del partido comunista de dominica.
    en el simposio se abordaron varios problemas como el caracter
reaccionario de la politica de "globalizacion" de
los imperialistas y sus consecuencias y las medidas para detenerla y
frustrarla, la inevitabilidad del triunfo del
socialismo y los medios para consolidarlo y desarrollarlo y el
fortalecimiento de la unidad y solidaridad de las
fuerzas socialistas internacionalistas.
    se aprobo la resolucion especial de apoyo a la causa justa del pueblo
    la resolucion especial extiende activo apoyo a la lucha del pueblo
coreano que con la bandera del socialismo en
alto defiende con firmeza y desarrolla sin cesar la ideologia socialista.
    envia invariable apoyo y firme solidaridad con la lucha del pueblo
coreano por eliminar de inmediato la muralla
de hormigon armado que construyeron ee.uu. y las autoridades surcoreanas al
sur de la linea de demarcacion militar
para dividir corea en norte y sur y por reunificar el pais segun el
proyecto de fundacion de la republica confederal
democratica de koryo presentado por el camarada kim il sung en el sexto
congreso del partido del trabajo de corea.

estamos enteramente listos a enfrentar a maniobras de ee.uu.

    pyongyang, 25 de febrero (atcc) -- al responder el dia 25 a la pregunta
de un reportero de la agencia telegrafica
central de corea formulada en relacion con que en estos dias ee.uu.
exacerba la situacion al aumentar en gran medida
las fuerzas armadas en el sur de corea, el vocero del minrex de la rpd de
corea dijo como sigue:
    como ya se ha informado, henry shelton, presidente de la junta de los
jefes de estado mayor norteamericano
confeso el pasado 8 en una reunion de la comision militar del senado
norteamericano, haber aumentado las fuerzas
armadas de las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del sur de corea y del
ejercito titere surcoreano.
    segun su confesion, ee.uu. desplego en el sur de corea los modernos
equipos belicos como los tanques
renovados, los vehiculos de combate para la infanteria, los helicopteros de
ataque y aviones de tipo ultramoderno y
el sistema de defensa misil "patriot" y dio toque final a sus preparativos
para trasladar en un corto espacio de tiempo
a la peninsula coreana la infanteria de marina norteamericana de okinawa
del japon y las fuerzas terrestres de su
    no satisfecho con esto, ee.uu. desarrolla desde el comienzo de enero
simulacros con el japon y las autoridades
surcoreanas pretextando el caso de "emergencia en la peninsula coreana".
    esto demuestra que ee.uu. habla de la "paz" y la "mejora de sus
relaciones" con la rpdc, pero persigue
invariablemente la "politica de fuerza" dirigida a aplastarla con las
fuerzas armadas.
    ee.uu. aumenta las fuerzas armadas de sus tropas ocupantes del sur de
corea y del ejercito titere surcoreano,
introduce sin cesar los modernos equiposbelicos y desarrolla los ejercicios
militares conjuntos de diversas formas
exacerbando asi peligrosamente la situacion de la peninsula coreana.
    nos vemos obligados a tener alta vigilancia ante la dualidad de ee.uu.,
que en la mesa de conversaciones predica
con tanta frecuencia la "paz", la "seguridad" y la "mejora de las
relaciones" y fuera de ella da espuelas a los
preparativos belicos para aplastar con las fuerzas armadas a su contraparte
del dialogo.
    observamos siempre con alta vigilancia las maniobras de agravacion de
tension de ee.uu. que se tornan cada dia
mas abiertas desde el comienzo del nuevo ano y estamos enteramente listos
para enfrentar a ellos.

vocero de crpp denuncia asesinato de surcoreana por efectivo norteamericano

    pyongyang, 25 de febrero (atcc) -- el vocero del comite por la
reunificacion pacifica de la patria (crpp) hizo
publica el dia 24 una declaracion denunciando el caso de asesinato de
surcoreana por un efectivo de las tropas
agresoras imperialistas norteamericanas.
    el pasado 19 de febrero un soldado superior de la unidad norteamericana
en la ciudad de phaju, provincia de
kyonggi trato brularse de una empleada de 33 anos de edad en una taberna
del barrio rithaewon de seul. pero, al ver
que ella le opuso resistencia, la asesino apretandole cuello al cabo de
darle golpetazo todo el cuerpo.
    la declaracion senala que el asesinato en cuestion no es un simple acto
criminal que partio de la bajeza moral y
barbariedad de un soldado norteamericano sino una atrocidad que procedio de
la arrogante idea misantropica y
chovinista de los imperialistas norteamericanos que tratan a los
surcoreanos como animales.
    tambien en el pasado los efectivos agresores imperialistas
norteamericanos perpetraron muchas atrocidades
salvajes entre otras "caso de corte al rape de la mujer de tongduchon",
"caso de dar pintura a la mujer de uijongbu
luego de desnudarla", caso de violacion a la nina de 6 anos de edad, y el
caso de asesinato a las mujeres yun kum i,
jon ji na y sin cha gum, revela la declaracion.
    deviene una verguenza de la nacion dejar intactos a los salvajes
norteamericanos que violan y asesinan a
numerosas surcoreanas, senala la declaracion.


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