TODAY'S NEWS (February.25.2001 Juche 90)



S. Korean prosecution threatens to sternly deal with workers' struggle

Seminar on Juche idea held in Ukraine

Utterance of former Japan defence agency chief blasted

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in S. Korea

Revocation of proposed revision of "Labour Law" demanded

Senior Japanese official's outburst under fire in S. Korea

DPRK women table tennis players prove successful

Condolences over death of Han Tok Su expressed

For Spanish-speaking people


dirigente kim jong il dirige sobre terreno fabricas de industria ligera de

comunicado conjunto sobre establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas rpdc -

S. Korean prosecution threatens to sternly deal with workers' struggle
     Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The South Korean prosecution "declared
a war" against the workers' struggle against the restructuring of financial
institutions and enterprises, after branding it as "mass egoistic violence",
according to Yonhap News of South Korea. The prosecution will reportedly
hold a "national meeting of prosecutors for public peace" in march in order
to adopt and put into practice a "guideline for public peace operation"
chiefly aimed to crack down upon workers' struggle.
    The prosecution decided to arrest and take legal actions against all the
prime movers of "massive disturbances" without exception including strike
and organize and operate "arrest squads" at local public prosecutor's
offices and police offices across South Korea, not depending on police only
for arrest of people.


Seminar on Juche idea held in Ukraine
     Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- A national seminar on the Juche idea
entitled "The Juche Idea is a Guiding Idea of the 21st Century" took place
in Kiev on Feb. 17 on the occasion of leader Kim Jong Il's birthday. Genadi
Dmitrivich Berdyshev, vice-chairman of the Ukraine-DPRK Association, in his
congratulatory address said that it was of special significance in the
movement for the revival of socialism in Ukraine to hold a national seminar
on the Juche idea. 
    Polishuk, chairman of the Ukrainian Association for the Study of the
Juche Idea, in his report said that socialism has entered a new stage of its
development because Kim Jong Il has wisely led the world socialist movement
holding aloft the banner of the Juche idea.
    He continued: 
    The Juche idea is a great guiding idea of the era which indicates a road
for humankind to follow.
    Humankind, who has entered a new century, new millennium, will certainly
revive socialism under the banner of the Juche idea. The 21st century will
be a century in which the victory of the Juche idea would be proclaimed.
    Speakers noted that Korean socialism, to which the Juche idea has been
applied, is most ideal socialism they should build in future.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.


Utterance of former Japan defence agency chief blasted
     Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Norota, former director general of the
Japan Defence Agency, was reported to have asserted in a recent lecture that
"the war for greater east Asia put an end to the colonial rule over Asia".
This outburst has come under fire in a signed article of Rodong Sinmun
today. The commentary says: The Japanese ultra-rightists do not feel guilty
for Japan's past aggression at all but are keen on presenting a distorted
picture of it. 
    The Japanese imperialists' invasion of the continent was most vicious,
barbarous and inhuman act of aggression in human history.
    The Japanese aggressor troops perpetrated such shuddering crimes as
killing everyone, setting fire to and destroying everything and looting
    The Korean people liberated the country through several decades of an
arduous bloody struggle against the Japanese imperialists.
    After world war ii history meted out deserved punishment to them and
accordingly, Japan still remains an "enemy state."
    But the Japanese reactionaries are totally denying this.
    They have deep-rooted ambition for aggression and are thirsty for
    They are dreaming of war of aggression, not peace, and working hard to
dominate again Korea and other Asian countries, the commentary stresses.


Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) issued a press release on Feb. 21 on
the functions held to celebrate the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il,
according to Seoul-based Voice of National Salvation. According to the press
release, the central committee of the NDFSK and its provincial and city
committees had meetings to celebrate the day.
    The meetings said that Kim Jong Il is a great thinker and theoretician,
a great politician and a great man who decorated the history of
revolutionary activities to carry forward the cause of Juche and accomplish
it with golden letters, and highly praised the immortal feats performed by
    It was stressed at the meetings that he saved the Korean nation from a
crisis with his rare leadership ability and through his superb political and
military activities when the country was undergoing a rigorous trial and the
worst adversity due to the imperialists' moves to isolate and suffocate it
and severe natural disasters and paved the way for the building a powerful
nation and achieving national prosperity in the new century.
    The meetings pointed to the fact that Kim Jong Il provided on his own
initiative a landmark of the movement to terminate the history of the
nation's division that has lasted for over half a century and rejoin the
ties of the nation, hailing this as an immortal great feat performed by him
on behalf of the era and the nation.
    Meanwhile, organizations under the NDFSK and organizations of the
patriotic movement set the period from Feb. 10 to 20 as a celebration period
in which they held lecture meetings, seminars, shows of video tapes, work
and photo exhibitions, concerts and other colorful functions, the press
release noted, and continued:
    Voice of National Salvation arranged special programs to celebrate the
February holiday and publications released special issues stirring up
worship of him among people from all walks of life.


Revocation of proposed revision of "Labour Law" demanded
     Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- At least 200 part-time workers
affiliated to the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a rally in
front of the "national assembly" building on Feb. 21 demanding the
revocation of the proposed revision of the "Labour Law," according to
Seoul-based Radio No. 1. They urged a measure as regards the existing law,
charging that it infringes upon the right of the part-timers to existence.


Senior Japanese official's outburst under fire in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- National and civic organisations in
South Korea assailed Japan's attempt to tamper with its history, according
to Seoul-based Yonhap News. The bereaved families society of patriotic
martyrs in a statement released on February 20 demanded Japan immediately
stop making reckless remarks intended to tamper with its history, declaring
that it can never tolerate the outburst made by Norota, chairman of the
budget committee of the Japanese House of Representatives, that "a war for
greater east Asia was a war for the independence of Asia."
    The organisation demanded the authorities fully reexamine South Korea's
ties with Japan keen on tampering with its history and free to make reckless
    Similar protests were voiced by the council for the compensation to the
Pacific War victims, the corps for the defence of Tok islet, the memorial
society for Paekbom, etc.


DPRK women table tennis players prove successful
     Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- DPRK women table tennis players gave a
good account of themselves at the 2001 qatar open table tennis tournament
held in Doha. In the singles final Kim Hyon Hui beat Tamara from Croatia who
was supposed to win the match, 3 to 1.
    Kim Hyon Hui and Kim Hyang Mi placed second in the doubles.


Condolences over death of Han Tok Su expressed
     Tokyo, February 24 (KCNA) -- Officials of the General Association of
Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and compatriots in Japan, Japanese
personages from different walks of life and officials of embassies in Japan
paid a call on the bier of Han Tok Su, chairman of the central standing
committee of Chongryon who was deputy to the Supreme People's Assembly and a
twice Labour Hero of the DPRK, to express deep condolences over his death on
Feb. 22 and 23. Among the Japanese visitors were leader of the Democratic
Party Yukio Hatoyama, leader of the Social-Democratic Party Takako Doi,
former chief cabinet secretary Hiromu Nonaka, deputy representative of the
Komei Party Hiroshi Juroka, deputy leader of the Social-Democratic Party
Sekisuke Nakanishi, chairman of the commission for diet affairs of the
Communist Party Keichi Kokuta, chairman of the dietmen's league for
Japan-Korea Friendship masaaki nakayama, former deputy prime minister Wataru
Kubo, chairman of the Japan Committee for Supporting the Independent and
Peaceful Reunification of Korea Motofumi Makieda, former prime minister's
wife Mutsuko Miki and president of the Kyodo News Service of Japan Ichiro
    The visit was also made by ambassadors of Cuba, Syria and Libya to Japan
and officials of the Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Cambodian, Laotian and
Yugoslav embassies in Japan.


For Spanish-speaking people

dirigente kim jong il dirige sobre terreno fabricas de industria ligera de
     pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il dirigio
sobre el terreno del 21 al 23 del mes en curso las fabricas de industria
ligera de la ciudad de sinuiju de la provincia de phyong-an del norte. le
acompanaron yon hyong muk, miembro del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea, kim kuk thae, secretario del cc del
partido del trabajo de corea y los primeros subjefes de departamento del cc
del ptc. 
    le acogieron en el mismo lugar kim phyong hae, secretario responsable
del comite del ptc en la provincia de phyong -an del norte, jang yun son,
presidente del comite popular de esta provincia y los funcionarios
directivos de la provincia, la ciudad y las fabricas.
    el dirigente kim jong il ante todo dirigio sobre el terreno la fabrica
de articulos de tocador de sinuiju nuevamente construida en sinuiju sur.
    al recorrer los talleres de jabon, pasta dentifrica y articulos de
tocador y otros varios procesos de la fabrica se entero de los detalles del
estado de construccion y produccion.
    el dijo que es muy elevada la calidad de todos los productos de esta
fabrica y se mostro muy contento de que desde ahora se puede suministrar con
mas abundancia los cosmeticos a nuestro pueblo.
    enseno que se debe aumentar sin cesar la produccion en la fabrica de
articulos de tocador de sinuiju por que esta ocupa una importante porcion en
la realizacion del proyecto del partido del trabajo de corea de asegurar la
vida mas abundante y civilizada al pueblo y presento las tareas concretas
para este particular.
    despues dirigio sobre el terreno la fabrica de vasijas de hierro
esmaltado de sinuiju.
    el subrayo que para aumentar sin cesar la produccion en la fabrica es
preciso renovar audazmente a base de la tecnica moderna todos los procesos
de produccion e introducir en estos los adelantos de la ciencia y tecnica.
    dijo que debe esforzarse por que sean mas utiles y hermosas las vasijas
de hierro esmaltado que son articulos de uso diario predilectos del pueblo,
enseno los medios para este fin y presento las tareas concretas que se
presentan para normalizar en un alto nivel la produccion.
    vio la funcion del grupo de propaganda movil de la fabrica.
    acto seguido el dirigente kim jong il dirigio sobre el terreno la
fabrica de alimentos basicos de sinuiju.
    al recorrer varios procesos de produccion se entero de los pormenores
del estado de equipamiento tecnico y de produccion y se mostro muy
regocijado al ver la salsa y pasta de soya, aceite y otros distintos
alimentos basicos que salian a chorros.
    dijo que las modernas fabricas de alimentos basicos construidas en un
corto espacio de tiempo en distintas localidades producen gran cantidad de
alimentos secundarios predilectos de nuestro pueblo y anadio que esto es una
revolucion en el desarrollo de la industria alimenticia de nuestro pais.
    dijo que es importante aumentar sin cesar la produccion en las ya
preparadas bases productoras de alimentos basicos y subrayo que se debe
tomar estrictas medidas para suministrar con suficiencia soya y otras
materias primas y materiales.
    el dirigente kim jong il enseno que los obreros del sector de la
industria ligera de la ciudad de sinuiju con el abnegado servicio al pueblo
deben operar nuevo cambio en la produccion para suministrar mayor cantidad
de articulos de primera necesidad de buena calidad a nuestro pueblo.


comunicado conjunto sobre establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas rpdc -
     pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- quedo publicado el dia 23 de enero del
2001 el comunicado conjunto sobre el establecimiento de las relaciones
diplomaticas entre la republica popular democratica de corea y el reino de
belgica. el comunicado conjunto senala:
    los delegados de los ministerios de relaciones exteriores de la rpdc y
el reino de belgica celebraron el dia 18 de dicimembre del 2000 y el dia 23
de enero del 2001 en bruselas las conversaciones para establecer relaciones
diplomaticas entre ambos paises.
    las conversaciones tuvieron lugar de acuerdo con las cartas
intercambiadas por los cancilleres de ambos paises relativas al
establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas.
    en ellas ambas partes acordaron establecer relaciones diplomaticas a
nivel de embajador entre la rpdc y el reino de belgica a base de los
convenios de viena sobre las relaciones diplomaticas y las relaciones

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