>Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 19:13:43 +0100
>From: "Press Agency Ozgurluk . Org" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>For quite some time now, PKK-sympathisers have been hindering the
>revolutionary prisoners, of whom some were wounded in the September
>1999 massacre in the Uluncanlar prison and sharing the same cell, from
>using the same facilities and infrastructure. Despite several warnings
>they continued their provocations by declaring bans. They attempted to
>deny 8 women of the DHKP-C, the TKP-ML (Communist Party of Turkey-
>Marxist/Leninist), the TIKB (League of Revolutionary Communists
>Turkey) and the MLSPB (Marxist-Leninist Armed Propaganda Unit)
>access to the kitchen, bath and other facilities, stating: "These are our
>rooms". After objections, they threatened: "You don't call us
>revolutionaries anymore, therefore we are no revolutionaries and if need
>be, we will kill you". They were told they were doing the job of the
>enemy and that their behaviour was as such, but their only reply was:
>"These are our rooms, and if we say so, you can not use them", "I do as I
>please". The issue was discussed in order to solve the problem but the
>discussion was obstructed on purpose and the hindering of the
>revolutionary prisoners continued.
>After these developments, on January 20, 2000, at 10 p.m., the PKK-
>prisoners suddenly attacked 8 revolutionary female prisoners who were
>in the kitchen. This attack was not a sudden decision or an act on
>impulse, on the contrary, it had been planned and organised. During the
>attack, the PKK-prisoners guarded the doors of the dormitory, the gym
>and the yard. In short, an operation was carried out against the
>The revolutionaries reacted with the slogan "Down with fascism!". Only
>8 revolutionaries stood against dozens of PKK-sympathisers but they
>tried to stop the attack. After the first attack, at 10 p.m., the PKK-people
>decided to launch another attack, believing they had to teach the
>revolutionaries a "lesson".
>The second attack occurred at 1 a.m. and was more systematic. Using
>iron bars and sticks, they started with an attack against one of our
>comrades who at that time returned from the dining room. At the same
>time, they attacked 3 female prisoners of the TKP-ML, 3 of the TIKB and
>1 of the MLSPB in the cell, cursing and insulting them. The
>revolutionaries, who resisted, were hit, grabbed and thrown out of the
>cell. But this was not enough for them and they erected a barricade to
>prevent the revolutionaries from returning to the cell.
>The state prosecutor of the prison and other officials had been informed
>of the attack by the PKK-prisoners in advance and watched with joy.
>Our friends were exposed to the enemy but they showed the necessary
>attitude during the attack. Despite the promise of a new cell for our
>friends, the PKK and the administration – co-operating – forgot their
>promise and continued their threats and harassment. Because the
>revolutionaries and the PKK have the same days of internal visits, visits
>of relatives and visits of the sickbay, the latter indulged in threats and
>insults, whenever they met our friends.
>The administration rejected the proposal of the revolutionaries to change
>the visiting days, thus clearing the path for another attack. Furthermore
>they attempted to unclear the developments by preventing our friends to
>send letters and faxes. "We will get you with an operation", "We will do
>the same as in Ulucanlar", those were the threats the revolutionary
>prisoners resisted and in the end, on January 27, they were moved to
>another cell.
>It is a known fact that you have stated in an announcement from the
>highest level, that you are at the disposal of fascism, which you refer to
>as the "Democratic Republic". If you believe that you can do your
>service by attacking the revolutionaries, you are mistaken. You know
>that our comrades, attacked by the fascist murderers in Uluncanlar not
>long ago, still haven't received proper treatment for their injuries.
>In Uluncanlar it was the fascist murderers who attacked our friends, and
>the ones who resisted were the revolutionaries. But in Nevsehir, those
>who attacked our friends should come into the open. They have to
>recognise the situation they are in, and they have to come with self-
>criticism, regarding this attack.
>When you do not want to live in the same room as the revolutionary
>prisoners, who brook the control of the enemy, sacrificing their blood
>and their lives, the solution is clear and obvious. When you do not want
>living quarters where you are "hindered", separate your cells and clarify
>the difference between yourselves and us.
>Because up to this day, the revolutionaries have always resisted and
>fought, and they will continue to do so.
>It is known that the PKK-prisoners, especially since the beginning of the
>'90's preferred to distance themselves from the resistance by the
>revolutionary prisoners who sacrificed their blood and their lives. They
>never participated in the resistance, claiming there would be negative
>consequences for themselves, and they even attempted to prevent the
>Given this attitude, the revolutionaries kept telling the truth. After the
>period of Imrali, they surrendered and even demanded that the
>revolutionaries should stop their resistance, otherwise they would
>This is the stile of the PKK. This is nothing but a political ban by the
>PKK and an attempt to force other organisations to accept their line. And
>therefore they do not want other forces to have an independent
>ideology. All have to depend on them. That is their mentality, even
>calling for the end of the resistance in a time where hundreds of
>prisoners are resisting – whatever the price -, a time in which they
>themselves to not play a role.
>We have a different view and we have attempted on different platforms
>to explain the negative nature of their stand. But they did not change
>their view. And they recently showed were they really stand. When
>revolutionaries were massacred in Uluncanlar, they told the acting
>officer: "We have nothing to do with that, major sir". While
>revolutionaries were brutally massacred for hours in their vicinity, they
>kept their corrupt and silent indifference, laying in the arms of their
>damned major.
>And then they attacked our comrades who were wounded in Uluncanlar
>and who were moved to the Nevsehir prison on January 20 and 21.
>During the attack in Nevsehir, the PKK-sympathisers confessed the real
>reason for their attack and stated: "How dare you criticise the process we
>are going through". A mentality which hatefully attacks the
>revolutionaries because they criticise their capitulation, showing the
>right way, is capable of rendering fascism every service, gaining the trust
>of fascism. What kind of mind, notion and culture is capable of attacking
>revolutionaries who, short before, were wounded in Uluncanlar?
>The capitulation has made them blind. Those who sank so low yesterday
>by saying "We have nothing to do with that, major sir", now attack the
>revolutionaries, filled with hatred. But no force and no attack can
>legitimise the capitulation on the soil of our land.
>The revolutionaries will continue the uncompromising ideological
>struggle against those who glorify the capitulation in the same way as
>they resisted death, the massacres and the attacks of imperialism. The
>revolutionary duty and the revolutionary demands make this necessary.
>When those who cannot reply to the ideological struggle of the
>revolutionaries against the capitulation believe they can stop us by
>attacks, they are wrong. This is a sign of weakness. All revolutionaries,
>democrats and patriots must take a stand against such weakness and
>they have to take up the ideological struggle against the capitulation on
>all levels.
>Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Partisi-Cephesi
>(Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front)
>Prisoners Organisation
>Pressagency Ozgurluk.Org
>In solidarity with the Peoples Liberationstruggle in Turkey and
>Kurdistan http://www.ozgurluk.org
>DHKP-C: http://www.ozgurluk.org/dhkc


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