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>Belgrade Blames West For Kosovo Violence

>BELGRADE, Feb 25, 2000 -- (Reuters) Yugoslav officials blamed the West
>on Thursday for this month's violence in Mitrovica, rejecting
>accusations that Belgrade was fomenting trouble in the ethnically
>divided Kosovo city.
>"The sequence of events clearly showed that it was a planned and
>coordinated scenario," Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Sainovic
>told a news conference.
>Giving his view of events in the flashpoint city, he said:
>"First the terrorists (ethnic Albanians) threw bombs at a cafe, wounding
>16 people of whom one child died, and then the tune 'Serbs are guilty'
>was played."
>He accused U.S. soldiers of the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force of
>conducting what he described as a brutal search for weapons in schools
>and other buildings in the Serb-dominated northern part of the city.
>A Serbian ultra-nationalist leader took a similar line at a separate
>news conference.
>"The American anti-Serb strategy in Kosovo and Metohija has been
>completely exposed," said Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Vojislav Seselj,
>who also heads the Radical party.
>Sainovic, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and three other top
>Yugoslav officials were indicted last May by a U.N. court for alleged
>war crimes in Kosovo during NATO's March-to-June bombing campaign
>against Yugoslavia.
>Western officials have accused the Belgrade leadership of stirring up
>trouble in Mitrovica, where ethnic violence has claimed nine lives this
>month, most of them Kosovo Albanians.
>NATO military chief Wesley Clark said in an interview published on
>Thursday: "Mitrovica is going to be multi-ethnic, and that means ending
>the intimidation and other dirty work of the military units, gangs and
>thugs who have been sent there by Belgrade."
>American U.N. Envoy Richard Holbrooke accused Milosevic of trying to
>partition Kosovo with a line through Mitrovica, describing it as the
>most dangerous place in Europe.
>In response, officials in Belgrade said the West was cooperating with
>Albanian "terrorists" seeking to expel remaining Serbs from Kosovo.
>"The Americans are planning, instructing and coordinating their
>actions," Seselj said.
>Sainovic said events in Mitrovica were in fact orchestrated by those who
>blamed Belgrade for destabilizing the city.
>"In the end, the same tune under the same slogan comes from Clark,
>Robertson, Holbrooke: 'Belgrade destabilizes Mitrovica'."
>Milosevic last week called on KFOR and the U.N-led administration of
>Kosovo to leave, saying they had failed to bring peace and that Belgrade
>authorities should take over control of the troubled province.
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